Just out of curiosity, I decided I would take a look see under the hood of "da house" to see if there was an obvious explanation why my dash air ain't work'n right. I fount the little vacuum motor jobber doo what operates that duct door. What the hell, the little plastic hose attached to it is rotted to pieces (underhood heat). Ain't never gonna work that way. "Now how ya gonna fix that Billy Bob"??? I got me some oxygen hose somewheres what old "pesky neighbor" Wayne give to me. An old trick of the trade to decrease the inside diameter (Bic lighter and stretch) and all was hooked up and working in less than 30 minutes. Well shoot....that were an easy temporary fix. Another job for the boys.
Had someone not mentioned it on their blog, I would have never knowed today is Mothers day. I don't know what it's like to have a mother, so I have never given this day much thought or celebration. To all the "moms" out there, Happy Mothers Day from Billy Bob and company.
Yesterdays travels must a took some my "piss an' vinegar" out me. I don't feel worth a poop this morn'n. I'm gonna blame it all on too much time behind the wheel and the stress of finding a gas station "da house" would fit into. This is the reason I seldom drive over 200 miles a day. Over that is just too much for this old body to endure. If'n ya ever done much travel'n and driv'n under the speed limit, you will notice your average miles a hour is 50. Take into account the number of rest stops I have to take, I average just under that in a 6 hour road time day.
Ok.....time to crank this rig up and head off down the road a piece. See ya in Louisiana this afternoon.
12:30am update:
Travel location Carthage, Texas, 30 mile or so south of Shreveport, Louisiana.
Well, I done went an' done exactly what I had intended.....got on the road before it got any kind of hot. Don't think it's gonna though. Its only 81 degs sit'n under these trees in a nice picnic area....sip'n a cup and feel'n proud I didn't get lost yet. Not many more miles on these old country roads till I hit the interstate. Will be on I-20 for the rest of the trip all the ways to Georgia. I'm figger'n today I will probably drive a little further than what I did yesterday. Too much sun light to burn. We'll see when I get to my next stop.
In the mean time....I'm gonna go outside an' lay back for a few. Maybe take me a nap.
No need to hurry! After all, you are taking time to smell the roses, right?
ReplyDeleteJust think of how much scenery you would miss if you hurried!
I liked your fix. I save some of my old oxygen hoses, now I know why. They come in handy for a lot of little fixes.
ReplyDeleteSure enjoying this trip with ya. Are we there yet? I need to pee!!,,
ReplyDeleteMy Dad would have made sling shots outa those hoses. (Not what we called em, but, you know)
I'm think'n you're think'n of surgical tubing for "sling shots". Ain't what I learnt to call them neither.
DeleteI'm not sure if I'm enjoy'n this trip as much as you are. Sure did see some beautiful trees, flowers, horses, cows, old ram shackle farms....boy howdy mean to tell ya. Love it.
Now don't even consider stopping for a short visit to the "boats" while going through Shreveport. They will relieve you of your money faster than you can say "Oh Hell". Gotta admit though them buffets got a lot of good eats.
ReplyDeleteJust noticed that you updated at "12:30 AM". What's an old fart doing up at that time of the night ?
ReplyDeleteAH......ya don't rekon old BillyBob got am and pm mix up do ya??? Hell, I don't know what time it is anyhows.
DeleteTexas is a BIG state. We'll be pulling out of Goliad in a couple days and it'll take us a couple of days to get to Dallas. We ain't in NO hurry
ReplyDeleteTRavel Safe
You dad burn right Texas is a big state. Bigger an' most so I hear. I was gonna take my time, but you know how that goes.....zooooom....a hunert mile a hour. I'm already half ways across Louisiana and just left Sinton yesterday morning.
DeleteSay "hiddy" to them Dallas cowgirls when ya get there.
I was just cleaning out the medicine cabinet in our RV yesterday and saw some of my extra oxygen and nebulizer hoses. Was wondering if they would ever come in handy and should I keep them? Now I know.... YES!
Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
Oh no Karen, ya never throw out any kind of hoses. Or for that matter, anything ya think ya might use in the next couple years. There's always room for that kind of stuff.