

Friday, January 2, 2015

Yeee haa....I have a resolution for 2015

Dad gum it, I tole you yesterday....don't be make'n no New Year resolutions. Now look at what ya done went an' done. Ya pissed off a hunnert people what liked ya just the way ya was. *Hmmmmm, just think'n here....how many my followers think I'm talk'n bout them?*

I'm thankful for all the comments yesterday granting me permission to have a Happy New Year. I like the way I said that....granting permission. Ya see, all my life I've done stuff to make other people happy. Be it be'n the town clown, writ'n humorous stories, reliv'n my past, shar'n my ups an' downs. While all the time, suffering inside an' not pleas'n myself. Well wait a minute, that's not really true. It's a great pleasure for me to do that stuff. But....when it comes to somebody jump'n my case 'cause I don't think like they do, or do like they do....that pisses me slap off. Rules for MY life are written by me....or by the Federal Government....nobody else.

So, here's what I'm gonna do in 2015....a freak'n resolution, what I never make. In 2015, I will be the same guy I was in 2014. I'll not be swayed to live any different. I'll spend a hunnert dollar at Walmart buy'n junk if'n I want to. I'll eat a pound of bacon an' 6 slices of "white" bread for breakfast. I'll use cuss'n words when it's appropriate. I'll not eat any yukky nasty slimey squarsh. I'll build me a freak'n tug boat, an' post pics of it on my blog. God I hate squarsh. I hate warsh'n dishes too. See what I'm talk'n bout? I'm happy to be "the old Billy Bob". I like my life. I like the way I live it. Now, some the decisions I make ain't always the best of decisions, but I have survived another year.  Maybe not in the best of shape, but I'm still above ground an' kick'n cans.

The way I see it, 2015 is gonna be a good year. That is if'n I consider 2014 a good year. I made it through 2014. I'm still breath'n. So that means it was a good year.

For a while, I was think'n I made a terrible mistake when I went to Georgia to get my back fixed. You know what I'm talk'n bout, the wasted time (bout 6 months of my life) an' not get a damn thing done. To my back that is. I didn't do it like everbody wanted me to do it, but I did it MY way.....I'm still alive because of that decision.....that's what counts. I'm talk'n bout the laminectomy (SP), not the stupit shots that only last a few months....if'n that. I lost some wonderful followers over that decision.

But, on that trip to Georgia, I had me some of the bestest "quality time" with my kids an' grankids....."yo mama" an' HIL Harry. I builded stuff for "da house" to make my life more comfortable. We worked on "Sally da house". It was a successful trip. But, then it got too cold for this old fart. I needed to move to warmer temps. Ha, I'm freez'n my ass off in south Texas.....an' I still have back pains.

Ok....that's my New Years resolution for 2015. Any changes over 2014 will be by accident....or poor decisions. What I make quite offen. At my age, I can do that an' not feel the least bit guilty.

Dang, this ain't what I was want'n to talk bout this morn'n. Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll do better next time.      


  1. That's the way it should be do it your way because you can.
    An upright and breathing is the way we like to be too.

  2. I think going to Georgia was a good thing for you and for your family. Kids need to know and remember their grandparents and it seems like you spent some good times with the grandkids as well as the rest of the family. But it was probably time to get out of winter - that is if you can find a warm place anywhere these days!

    I feel the same way as you do - 2014 was a great year and I'm still alive. Hope for a good 2015 for all of us!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. hi B.B. and to answer gypsy's question about where can a person go to find a warm place from winter. average high in veracruz mexico in the month of january is 76°and average lows are 65°and it is 770 miles straight south on sinton texas . i am just saying , so please there is no need for you to comment B.B. .ps. only if your comment is nice , thank-you .

  5. 8:00 pm jan. 2 / 2015 it is 75° in veracruz mexico , no rain 6 mile per hour wind . now i am just saying for gypsy ok B.B. so be nice ok ,thank-you.

  6. The only resolution I ever kept was the one to stop making resolutions.

  7. New Year's resolutions have never been part of this gal's tradition and never will be.

  8. "I'll use cuss'n words when it's appropriate."

    Now there is a resolution I think I can keep. Thanks for the laugh this morning, BB.

    Max from Illinois.
