

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Catch'n up

I ain't gonna tell ya bout the fish what got away, but let me tell ya bout the one......ya see, it was like this. I found this place...a secret hole...where lived the biggest rainbow trout in north Ga. You could see him peek'n out from under that old dead tree in the water and every once in a while he would dart out and try to eat my fish lure.

OGT...if'n ya rode around Ellijay and know about the German town of Helen, then ya probably rode right by where I was fish'n. Do ya remember that little store on hwy. 60....bout 15 mile south of Blue Ridge? Cooper Creek Store....right? Well I were right around the corner at the Deep Hole campground.

Jesse come back to camp carrying his fish pole...but no stringer of fish. I looks at him and notice he ass is wider that when he left. Then I see why....fish tails is stick'n out his pockets....6 of them.

Doris brung me a sausage egg sandwich. I told ya bout them chickens...right???

Oh....did I mention that it freak'n rained??? You should see the grass. Someone needs to break out the JD and cut this crap. Dogs come back in sop'n wet just from walk'n across the lawn. LAWN.....another draw back of living east of the Mississippi. Do you know how much grass costs the average American home owner??  Think about it....it ain't worth it.

 Sorry bout the size of the pics, but my son has his cam set to the highest quality there is. Even downsized they still big.


  1. Gee, I am glad you didn't have to spend all your time cleaning the fish that you caught (grin). I hope you enjoyed your trip. We missed you when you were gone. . .

  2. Oh , I know right where your talking about. Ive been there a few hundred times. hmmmm trying to figure out your fishin hole though. That place got more fishermen than fish last time I was there. Did you get some boiled peanuts from the guy out there? I used to sit and jaw with him a little.

  3. Did someone say boiled peanuts? Wow, that brings back memories when I did an engineering contract job for GE Nuclear in Wilmington, N.C. They sold them all along the roads. Really great tasting stuff.

  4. Nutting wrong with those pictures at all. As a matter of fact I have gone back and looked at some I had posted. And changed the settings on my camera to a larger format from now on.

    Good deal on all the good times with the family and from the one pic, looks like you gained a pound or two. :-) See what that good eating will do for ya?

  5. Hay you old fart, quite your bitching about having to go with the Kid's and their family & friends this is the best time of your life.

    You should have brought along a big bag of those good Deming Chili Peppers and done a Mexican Breakfast for them.

    You know you have to spit on your hook when fishing east of the Mississippi.

  6. Good to see you posting again. I know you are having a great time but dont forget about your blogger friends :-)

  7. Who says that you can't carry fish in your pockets?
