

Monday, April 4, 2011

Busy, busy and too busy

Boy howdy, don't ever try to do everything in one day. I got on the cell phone and give'em hell in just a minute or two. Got my insurance took care of on "Sally da house" and "that jeep". Then I took care of my ERS (emergency road service) with another phone call. Dang, that wore me slap out.

Speak'n of "that jeep".....well, it has something else going bad. Everybody already knows how much trouble "that jeep" has caused me in the last year and a half. Ok, here's the latest. I pull up to the park lot at the local golf ball swak'n place with a "clack clack clickity clank clank"....com'n from the left front. Sound like one them little cajun wimmins strum'n a washboard in tune to Louisiana Saturday Night.....or something like that. Now what the hell????

Welcome to "rustedgranny". Hot dang, that's a good handle if I ever did hear one.

I suppose y'all done watched old Billy Bob almost get blowed away yesterday. My god, did it ever blow in Deming. Interstate shut down. Silver City Hwy shut down. Blow so bad ya couldn't even play golf. Now that's bad. But never fear, old Billy Bob, pesky neighbor Wayne and Barney from the OFM blog spent the afternoon mak'n up for yesterday. Don't be at all fooled when Barney says he can't play golf. He's one golf ball swak'n guy. Beat old Billy Bob by bout 6 strokes.....and old Billy Bob was play'n good....on the front nine. But then all hell broke loose and I lost it on the back nine.

Haven't make any plans for tomorrow, but ya never know, I may just do something interesting. Of important things to do, I rekon Walmart tops the list. Have to get the "little red broncoII" registered in New Mexico....for two years. Insure it through Geico for $400 less than GMAC....I can do that online. Then wash and wax, spin the tires till they smoke and then go down the road do'n a hunert mile a hour to the tire sell'n place. Or.... I could wait another year and take my chances with "corroded" tires. 

Ok....eat'n up a bowl of homemade chicken noodle and tater soup.


  1. Darn it all...second time I try to post and my comment disappears :(

  2. Ok, it finally worked!!

    Glad you are back safe and sound in Deming and that you did not get into any women trouble back at the Slabs :D

    I am dying to know how the salt experiment turned out.

  3. It sounds like old Barney has been practicing to get ready for you.

  4. i saw that Barney ( OFM) wasn't afraid to post his golf ball whacking score card..

    Where's yours?

  5. If Billy Bob posted his score card then he would have to fight off all of the sponsors who would want him to join one of the pro tours.

  6. Well, thanks for the welcome!
    Keep the dirty side down with all that hot rodding.

  7. I heard that he set the all-time course record.
