

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

"that floor"

I'm think'n everbody is gonna be hear'n bout "that floor" for years to come. If'n I've said it once, I'm gonna say it again......Oh....just nevermind. Only thing I got to say is "don't".

Put the last and final coat of polyurethane on "that floor" yesterday. I'm done with it. Finished. Don't never wanna see another wood floor long as I live. Geeese......!!!! Now I'm gonna buy me up a bunch of rugs an' stuff to cover it up. "What was you think'n Billy Bob"???? Pretty girl catch your eye every time and most times is a mistake.

Son Billy the cop come by for a visit yesterday. We sit out there under the shade thingy sip'n up a cup and talk'n up a storm bout danc'n girls, trucks an' cars and break'n stuff. Ya see, when Billy was a little boy, he was the toy terror....or anything else he laid his hands on. If'n it weren't broke, when he finish look'n at it, it were broke. There was a time when daddy bought up some Tonka Toys. You know, the indestructible ones. Much thought went into which kid got which toy. The dump trunk had only one moving part....a perfect match for Billy. After two loads of dirt and sand, the dump truck was history. Billy had struck. Bent axles and the dump thingy tore slap off.....nuttin left but a cab and 2 bent axles. Tonka Toys is no match for my Billy.

I have to admit, I think I'm get'n too damn old. Wore plumb slap out. Ye see, it's like this....I been watch'n myself through all this remodel/modification/maintenance work and I cain't do all that crap no more. If'n I get down on the floor to measure something, by the time I get back up, I done forgit what the measurement was. Or I got to have somebody help me get back up. Some times I think it's time to be put out to pasture like a old cow what outlived it's use. Time to find me a chunk of land and plant my ass next to a stream with a fish pole in one hand....a cup of coffee in the other. Never figgered this day would come.

Don't read too much into what I just said....I gonna feel better tomorrow.


  1. What's wrong with sitting by a stream, fishing pole in one hand, coffee in the other? Sounds perfect to me.

    1. When that's all that's left, it's not really perfect. There's still skyscrapers to build.

  2. The floor is beautiful! Don't worry about a little hair here or there. I bet no one else will notice. I especially like the sawed-off shot gun hanging up. This Texas girl believes in being prepared. Rest up and tomorrow will be a better day.

    1. Thank'n ya kindly for the comment on my beautiful floor. It's just a self pride thing bout the hairs and stuff.....I really don't give a rats otherwise.

  3. How about alongside Falcon Lake with a cup in one hand and a 14# bass in the other? That was some of the best times I have had since I retired. We still have a lot of fish to catch you know. This is my third time to have a short term job since I retired. If it ever happens again it will be for helping in some unavoidable emergency. I don't like it.

    1. Yes Barney, I also enjoyed my stay at Falcon Lake better than most places I've been. Well, wait a minute. Weren't nuttin wrong with gold prospect'n in California. Or mak'n "snow angels" at Mt. Whitney. Or a trip across Texas. Catch'n up a gazillion trout fishes in the north Georgia mountains. Oh my God....I've had a great time everywheres.
      See ya down the road a piece for more fun.

  4. It looks good to me, I like it. Be careful if'n you put trow rugs on it, they might slide and cause you to fall.

    1. Looks good to me too, but I ain't gonna like it. Throw rugs must have a rubber/foam backing....no slide.

  5. BillyBob... you just need a tablet in your pocket to start writing things down BEFORE you start to get up! And then don't lose the tablet-----

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  6. Replies
    1. Thank ya Shadow. I think it's beautiful too.....what I said to Dizzy.

  7. Buy you a chunk of land close to Lake Amistad :)

    Hard as I try I do not see anything wrong with the floor.

    1. LOL....have ya ever tried to control weeds in Del Rio???
