

Friday, October 5, 2012

Cow puppy

What the hell....I ain't got no internet connection. Writ'n this on WordPad. How I gonna make a blog post if'n I cain't get on the internet? Ya see, it's like this, I were read'n my comments this morn'n an' there was one more them "hate" comments by annonymous, what I was gonna reply to. But my internet done blow up or something like that. Ya don't rekon she hack my computer or something like that do ya? I got a feel'n this ain't gonna be the last time we hear from annonymous. Stuff like what she were say'n just upset the old Billy Bob to no end....rune my day.

It's been a couple three good days here at old Billy Bob's house. I been feel pretty good consider'n all the crap what I got work'n against me. Ain't got no new aches an' pains, so I rekon I'm good to go....what ever that means. Been rid'n that "billy bike" a few rounds in the park an' went to the golf ball swak'n place again yesterday so's I could get my daily exercise. Other than that, I ain't done diddly squat. Oh wait....dishes is done again.....yeee ha Billy Bob, you da man.

What I write on my blog don't sound nuttin like what a old man of 71 year old would be say'n, but what the hell, I'm still a young man at heart. I enjoy tell'n bout my childhood days, what I can still remember, an' all the "trouble" I got myself into. Nuttin secret on this end. The problem is, I done told all my childhood stories....probly more than onest. If'n ya don't know me by now, ya probly ain't never gonna know me. But I gonna continue to write about them memories....hateful comments or not.

Just a tid bit this morn'n bout the time I rode me a brand spank'n new cow puppy. I were probly bout 6 year old at the time, the cow puppy bout a week or so. I were all full of piss an' vinigar....gonna be a great rodeo star. That cow puppy just stand there, dare me to climb up on it's back. Ha, That cow puppy don't know who he was talk'n to. An' that's exactly what I did. I jumps slap in the middle his back an' hold on for dear life.....after I fall off on my scrawney ass a few times. Me an' that cow puppy take off across the cow pin lickity split.....a hunnert mile a hour yeah we was. While mama cow, stand'n over there talk'n to other "wimmin" cows, was give us the evil eye. I'm think'n she don't like this rodeo stuff at all, 'cause here she come. Now I git'n skeered. I'm scream'n  "moms" loud I can. I falls clean off'n that cow pupply, feet run'n before I hit the ground. I gotta git outta here...right now. I lands in some that ol' gooshy stuff what cows drop all over the yard. Gooshy stuff all over me. Make my feet all slippery, no traction for run'n an' here come that mama cow snort'n buggers an' stuff. Yikes, she one pissed off cow. By the time I gets to the fence, that cow is all set to stick one them big ol' horns in my behunst (buttocks) side. Under that fence wire I goes, like a hunnert mile a hour. That mama cow didn't git me with her horn, but the "bob" wire sure did. Moms applies her favorite remedy for any bleed'n injury, alocohol an' iodine, you know, that red stuff what burns like hell. I'm think'n moms was a sadistic old woman. This ain't the first time moms had to "fix" me up, so's I knowed what to expect. No rodeo trophys this day.


  1. You actually got up on that little calf? My youngest was a kid like you - would do anything without thinking of possible consequences. I don't think I ever knew the iodine trick though.

    1. Maybe you recall the use of Mercurochrome or Merthiolate. The little brown square bottle with the glass applicator. Iodine was the predecessor of the two. Burn like hell an' make ya not wanna yell "moms".

      Don't tempt me to tell when I jump on the back of a big ol' sleep'n pig.

  2. Gotta have respect for a guy that would jump in his RV travel the world in it and do stuff like this. Envious is an understatement.

    Thanks for sharing!
    San Diego RV Detailing

  3. I use iodine for every thing, love hat stuff.

    1. Like that "burn" don't ya? I didn't know you could still get the stuff, but it don't make no matter, I wouldn't buy it anyhows. I'll stick to the painless methods.

  4. I remember hating the "merthiolate". It burned! Mercurochrome didn't. I'm glad to know that you're not going to let some spoilsport mess up your blog for the rest of us! Way to go.

    1. if'n ya think merthiolate burned, ya ain't never had a "moms" put iodine on ya. That stuff was like a burn'n fire....specially after a dose of alcohol.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Billy Bob you were quite the kid. But that's how farm kids were.
    I remember my mom pouring junk on us when I was a kid, make your hair stand on end. And slap you at the same time for being dumb.

  7. Anonymous, as much as I hate, I have deleted your comment. As long as you keep up your negativity of "cat play", I will delete any more such comments.
