

Friday, January 29, 2010

Back at Walmart

Weren't long after that my trusty steed "jeep" got a rock or something in one his feet and we limped back to "da ranch just hobbl'n long. Couple time he stopped breath'n...kind a coughed like and then back to a full gallop.

Don't what wrong with this "that jeep this time. Yesterday a little yeller light come on say "check engine". A neighbor just happen to have a gizmo for check'n stuff like that. Cadillac converter or some crap like that. Well, "that jeep' ain't got one...somebody done stole it whiles I weren't look'n. So neighbor reset the computer and all is well. That is till I were com'n back from Walmart. Freakin engine pooted a couple times, like it was gonna quit on me....out in the middle of no where. Be walk'n.

Speak'n of Walmart....I had to go back today 'cause I didn't read the label. Here what happen....back there in the T/V section they got some games for my Play Station. Well Lord have some mercy....lookie here... that one on sale, just what I were look'n for. So's I bought it and took it home. Wait a minute here, this game don't fit my Play Station....what the hell. That why I went to Walmart again today. Got my money back and bought the right one....for more money of course. It ain't worth a flip!!!


  1. It all started because of walmart, some people never learn.

  2. BB, you starting to sound like my OLD man neighbor, he can't make it a week with out his WalMart fix. Even with him having to have his wife drive him up and taking his wheel chair now.
