

Sunday, May 18, 2014

It's a touchdown...team Billy Bob wins.

Some times ya just gotta sit back, shut up, an' watch what other people do an' say. I got a reason for say'n that, but at this moment in time, I have no idea what it is. I could have just deleted it. But.....you watch....it's gonna come to me in just a little bit. *think'n....where the hell was I go'n with this*

For those that missed my updates yesterday, there has been some changes. The first, and most important, I'm gonna play one more round of golf with the renowned golf ball swaker, the OFM Barney. But we gotta get something straight right now.....I very seldom win the OFM, nor is my score anywheres close to his.

That putter that I painted the other day. Well the paint is already chip'n off'n it. "Primer Billy Bob, ya didn't use primer". This is a putter I bought a whole bunch of years ago. It got it's name "Automatic" due to the fact that I rarely missed a putt under 10 feets. Then as time took it's toll, the putter took on the appearance of a rookie putter....ready for the dumpster. I learned how to very easily miss a 3 feets putts with it. The paint job made it look brand spank'n new....I was a putt'n fool with the new paint job. So yes Robert, the paint job made the difference. I love you son.

Wait a minute. We ain't supposed to be talk'n golf...."the trip Billy Bob, tell 'em bout the trip.

The other day I mapped out my entire trip on Google Maps. It had all the highways I would travel on an' all the sleep'n sites were marked. Each right bout 200 mile apart. Well, I changed that. Now the sleep'n sites are 250 mile apart. New Google Map.

I did a bit more strenuous work yesterday than I should have. It should have been done in two days, not one. But you know how the old Billy Bob works, he gets stuff done lickity split. "Ha ha right Billy Bob, two weeks late...or is it six weeks, ain't get'n stuff done lickity split". BUT with that said.....my freak'n back hurts this morn'n. *think'n....how's this gonna affect my golf game tomorrow?*  Fill the fresh water tank. Put the awning in. Bring the slide outs in. One chair in the yard. Unhook water hose. Roll up electric cord. And hook up the "billy jeep". That's what I got left to do. Well, I could do a little organization on the inside too.

Oh wait, I got to fire up the Onan generator again to check it out. Ran 3 minutes an' it shut down. Freak'n code (3-15) I don't know nuttin about. Fired up again.....hold on, it's still run'n.
Sounds Ok to me......but wait......"come on baby, do yer thing".  

So that's it for today....or I suppose it is. I sometimes do a update ya know. Now what the hell was that first line about????


  1. You sound really positive this morning. If you keep that up you will have a good trip. Good luck in the golf ball swak'n saga.

    1. Try'n to be positive in the morn'n is a big chore for me. I see I have succeeded this morn'n.

      When you say "good trip", I'm think'n State Parks, campfires, watch'n the birds in the trees, quiet sleep....stuff like that. But it ain't gonna be nuttin like that. Just get on the road an' end up at a destination a few days later.

  2. BB has beat at golf me so many times my body has been tenderized top to bottom.

    1. I'll not even comment on this hog wash....."git some soap mama, Barney is tell'n a fib"


  3. This is all I could find for Onan generators

    (Controller not able to regulate to rated frequency)
    Corrective Action:
    1. Reduce
    the number of connected appliances, especially when air conditioners and battery chargers
    are running.
    2. Have air
    conditioners and other appliances checked for proper operation. (A locked compressor ro-
    tor can cause very low power factor.)

    1. Same thing I found Jim. But nothing is connected to the generator....no load.

      Good to see ya again....been a while.

    2. Put a load on it & try it.

  4. Sooooo did you remember yet?

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

  5. Now you getting excited, and ready to hit the road, gonna be a ton of fun!
