

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Rest area in Mississippi....nightmare

It's just crazy the way things are go'n for me. I have a good day of weather an'.....kerpowww, the wind blows a hunnert mile a hour. I have a day of sunshine an' swoooosh, the sky is filled with clouds. But wait....this is just the beginning. They talk'n bout rain. Tons of rain. Not today though.

Well crap, I'm all bended over again this morn'n. *think'n bulldozer* I don't know what's go'n on, but dad gum it, this sucks. The little bit of exercise I get at the golf course has been help'n somewhat....walk'n bout a half a mile an' swing'n stiks at that little ball. It just don't last. If you're wonder'n bout why I mention my back problems so much, it's 'cause I ain't hurt like this in over 10 years. Talk'n bout it gives me a little relief....think'n they gonna fix it in Georgia.

So....speak'n of Georgia. I was lay'n in bed last night....had me a freak'n nightmare. I'm sit'n in a I-20 rest area an' cain't go on no further. Then the cops come along. This is where it get creepy. They handcuff me....after throw'n me to the ground. I have long hair, so naturally, I'm a drug dealer sell'n my wares out of the rest area. An' I got guns....so they pull high powered assault rifles on me.....an' call for backup. They load my guns an' ammunition into a armored US military attack vehicle. They taze me with 50,000 volts of electricity. An' I ain't even half way to Georgia. I may bypass Mississippi on my trip to Georgia.
That when I waked up in a cold sweat. Apparently when they knock me to the ground, it cause me to get a severe leg cramp.

Ok, we got that rest area stop out of the way, let's talk bout what I'm gonna do in Georgia. You know I'm go'n there to get my back worked on an' be around family if'n something don't work out right. Maybe get me some free food too. In the past (14 years) I didn't do nuttin bout my back 'cause I was think'n it could only get better. And it would eat up too much of my "adventure" travel time if'n I did anything. I figger that was probly a mistake. But the "adventure" travel time is still on my mind. What if??? What if I get me a "quack" doctor an' he cuts the wrong thing an' I end up in a wheelchair or something like that. I don't know bout anybody else, but I would be skeered slap to death. Back surgery ain't a walk in the park ya know....accord'n to Google. But I gotta do something.

So why ain't I left Texas yet? Weather. That's it....weather.   

Made that trip to Walmart yesterday. Was windy as hell driv'n down the road a hunnert mile a hour (65). Buy'n up some groceries an' stuff. I walked the aisles just look'n at stuff. Oh look, a new coffee pot. For $72 I think not. Mc Donalds in Walmart....let's eat a hamburger an' some fries. YUK....Mc Donalds sucks. Too early to renew my prescriptions.....after wait'n in line for 15 minutes. Then I hit the grocery section. Walk almost every aisle in there too....just look'n ya know. Three hours later I'm back at "da house". I only spended $92.....I gotta lay down. My back hurts an' that dad gum right foot......YIKES, it's kill'n me. I don't wear no shoes ya know.

I got that new Walmart special "temp thingy" installed. It works just fine. Or I suppose it does. When I got home, the old one showed 96 degs outside. The new one showed 89. I'm think'n that's a improvement....an' no more freak'n stress from a temp thingy that don't show the right temp.

That's it....I'm done. 


  1. A few years back I had an uncomfortable experience with a rest area cop in Mississippi; I've tried to avoid MS ever since.

    1. Ha....a long time ago I posted a story bout the time a Mississippi cop caught me driv'n barefooted. Maybe I should repost it. Thought he was gonna throw me in jail.
      Other than the cops, I love MS. One of the most beautiful states as far as I'm concerned. But then, who the hell likes nuttin but trees?

  2. We try not to do rest areas, thinking most Walmarts or flying J do the trick for us.
    Good luck with your back.

    1. I'm a Walmart camper too George. But when it come close to supper time, I pulls into the rest areas. Spend the night an' back on the road in the morn'n. Sooo freak'n simple. An' Sadie Mae likes the grass.

  3. "Talk'n bout it gives me a little relief" Well, Billy Bob, bless your heart; you just go on and talk about your pain all you want to; relief is what you're needing. Right? Shout it OUT!

    You allow your readers to have a turn for 'Shouting it Out'? If able, I'd soak in a tub with Epsom salts added - great medicine for a paining bod. $h*&, I can't get down into the tub. I used to could.
    Like I keep tellin' ya, Old Age stinks.

    "use me to get a severe leg cramp" or maybe the start of the cramp caused the dream/ highly horrific nightmare. I've read that a dream, that seems hours long, happens in a matter of seconds.
    Yeah, lots of things trigger many of my wild dreams.
    You be careful, good buddy, when you do hit the road; it's a madhouse out yonder.

    1. Not 'use' but 'cause'. above

    2. Ha ha Sissy....you know what I'm talk'n bout don't ya. Seems like when I bitch an' moan bout how much I hurt, the better I feel. I know some people are tired of hear'n me "whine", so I been hold'n back a little bit. This morn'n I could'a screamed bloody murder....damn bulldozer.

  4. Put a bar of soap under the bottom sheet near your leg. I don't have leg cramps, but people swear it stops the cramps and pain.

  5. I find the cures for leg cramps offered up in your Comments to be as entertaining as what you write in your blog. Keep writing about them when you have one.

  6. My goodness Billy Bob I have been reading for hours trying to catch up...it's NBA playoff time you know and I like basketball as much as you like golf.

    When I read the title I though you had gotten a wild hair and decided to leave for Georgia and ran into trouble in Mississippi...silly goose you fooled me :D
