

Monday, September 10, 2012

Golf ball swak'n day

Where do ya turn when you are lost for new material to write about. Religion? Politics? I think not. 
"Oh crap, look like Billy Bob be on one his whinn'n sprees". Oh shut up. I can whine if'n I want to.

Ok.....today I have many important things that has got to be done. Yes, finish wash'n dishes is one. Not really important, but they begin'n to stink sit'n there in that dish pan. One other item of importance on my never ending list of things to do, is register "Sally da house" for another year of highway travel.  I have two choices....well, actually three. #1, I can register online. #2, write a check and mail it in, or #3, I can pack up and drive 800 mile and register in Nueces County...south Texas. Last and the most important item for the day, is to swak a golf ball a hunnert mile.

Ya see, the OFM Barney is been put'n the squeeze on old Billy Bob bout how far he can swak a golf'n ball with his brand spank'n new secret weapon, his sawed off .230 gauge single barrel golf ball swak'n stik. But little does old Barney know, the old Billy Bob modified his swak'n stiks to fit the occasion. Gonna swak that golf'n ball so hard I ain't never gonna find it for a week. That the main reason I gonna carry a extra ball in my bag. If'n ya ain't never hit one them little white balls a hunnert mile, ya don't know what ya miss'n. Hot damn, I love golf ball swak'n.

Old "pesky" was tell'n me yesterday he is all fire up for today's tournament. Tole me he was practic'n. Hit a ball a hunnert mile ( hunnert fifty yards). Pesky has no perception for distance....or numbers. Today's round bout the golf course will tell "the rest of the story". Wayne tells me bout his love for the game. We talk bout all the rounds we have played together in the last 7 years. I get a sad feel'n that his days of golf ball swak'n is coming to an end. Hope he has a good round today. That's all I got to say bout that.

Ok....make it short. Got things to do. 


  1. Maybe Wayne will beat both you guys, that would give him reason to quit, being on top of the world. Ever think of letting him win?

    1. Let him win???? Are you nuts? The old Billy Bob don't LET nobody win. They gotta do it on their own.

  2. The reason BB cannot find his ball after he FINALLY hits it, is because he can't see anything within ten feet of his feets. HE HE.

  3. I tried golf a few times when I was young. I didn't have enough power to hit a ball a hunnert miles, but wherever I aimed that ball is exactly where it went. Then I decided to take lessons. Bad move. The instructor had me hitting the ball in such a way I didn't have any idea where it was going - usually in the woods. I quit then and there, because I could never go back to my old way of doing it. Have a great time with Barney and Wayne.

    1. Women are usually good at hit'n a straight ball. Not very far, but straight. Something to do with not being macho....swak it a hunnert mile.
      I've seen it happen too many times. An instructor screw up a good game with "ya gotta do it this way".
      Game with Barney and Wayne was wonderful....although Wayne couldn't play. Doctors orders.

  4. Wayne could beat both of you blindfolded and using only one arm.

    1. You ain't never see Wayne play. My God Wayne, hit the ball

  5. and standing on one foot.

  6. Nothing like a friendly competition to get everyone all fired up! Seems to improve everyone's game a little!

    Main thing is...to have fun and enjoy the company!

  7. I had to learn to swak a golf ball in one day... golf in one easy lesson. I could hit it but really didn't care for walking around a green lawn swaking a ball. Didn't see much fun in it.

    But I had to learn in preparation for a big whig realtor/banker/title company outing when I was a real estate broker. Actually we had more fun running the golf cart around and blocking the doors of the little outhouses when people went inside for a pee break! LOL LOL LOL

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
