

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Dump station...there ain't one

Holy crap, two nights in a row and most of yesterday I had those dreaded leg cramps.

I was tell'n ya bout I have to empty my black water tank. Well, it ain't empty yet. Ya see, it's like this....there are 2 rv parks in Sinton.....I done tole ya that didn't I? I jump in "that jeep" yesterday an' go see them rv parks. Yup, they both have vacant spaces with full hook ups. And they both have locked front doors. There ain't nobody home. Along with those leg cramps an' nobody home, "Sally da house" did not move yesterday. "Don't poop in the black water tank Billy Bob....use the bushes".

Still talk'n bout that black water tank, somebody suggested I go down the road a piece and find a "dump station". Well, down the road a piece from Sinton is right bout 60 plus miles round trip. At $3.39 a gallon for fuel, and a "dump" fee, I could spend TWO nights at a local rv park and still come out ahead.

As a seasoned RV'er, I should know better than to let waste water tanks get this full. Now I have to pay the price. Plus the headache of preparing "da house" for a road trip of less than 3 miles. Then bring "da house" back home to "el Rancho Abraham RV Resort & Goat Farm" the following morning and set up for camp'n again.

For MsB.....Robert turn around an' bring back my golf clubs. Us golf ball swakers have a close relationship with our golf clubs. Some of us even sleep with 'em....or gently place them under our beds at night. To lose a set of golf clubs is lik'en to get'n a divorce an' hit'n the bars look'n for a new wife as "broke in" as the last one.

I took my XX wife golf'n with me one time.....one time only. This is the X wife I don't like one bit. But she could hit a golf ball. Only problem, she would'n keep her mouth shut. Jabber jabber jabber ever time I go to swak my ball. "Does my hair look OK"? "Do you think I'm fat"? "Can we stop and get something to eat"? I'm thirsty". "Is that a restroom over there"? "Do ya want a beer Archie"? Stuff like that.....never shut up.

Ok....got things to do.....road trip ya know.

Dang, road trip is over in less than 10 minutes....after I pull out the yard. Nice lady give me a pull thru space right next to the golf course.

Just is case.....I bringed my golf ball swak'n clubs along on this camp'n trip. If'n it's nice tomorrow morn'n, you can expect to see the old Billy Bob out there swak'n some. In the mean time, I'm gonna lay back and take it easy.

"Dang Billy Bob, why did you forget the "billy bike"? This is a perfect area to ride a bike......damn.

Black water tank is empty, got both a/c's runn'n full bore. What more could ya ask for? A better internet connection would be nice. Sheesh...this sucks. Where's the dumpster? Get some this trash out "da house".....two bags full.  


  1. Once you get out on the road, you may get that roaming fevor back and just keep on going.

    1. Don't be silly Dizzy, you know the one an' only reason I hit the road.

  2. Yeah for sure, you on the road and don't look back, new places, new faces, Cajun food and music !

    1. LOL George, cajun country is over 800 miles away. Will settle for a little Mexican food and music.

  3. Just got back from golf ball swacking practice, it is HOT out there.

  4. Glad you had a great day with your son BB, it's always nice to see them. and if you feel like going to hear that Music it's only going to cost ya $695.45 that's if you can get 7.5 mpg out of her...When you go to leave that Campground make the move and your fell a 1000% better....in know time

  5. Looks like a swell pull through place to stay for a couple of days! Sure is close to the golfin' place!

  6. Thanks for clearing my doubt :)

    Whatever happened to the sewer line you all dug up back during Spring break at your nephew's house with Bubba's help?

    Have you ever considered having a Humanure toilet as a back-up?

    You got a great parking spot...those trees are beautiful. Enjoy yourself.

  7. The things people do when there is a load of crap that has to be dealt with... ending up with a pull thru at the golf course leaves it smelling like roses!
    You got the mojo working!

  8. hey is that where I had a 300 yd drive. lol... well, we're finished and headed out tomorrow morning. think, we're going to the dog track and bet some dogs. I like them dogs you know. going to pull up a program and grade the dogs. well, Daddy had a wounderful time with you and hope we can do it again and soon. love you bunches...

  9. You'n afraid of driving now.

  10. Are you having a vacation? hahahaha
