

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Brrrrrr....cold again

Well shoot. I thought I got rid of the spam on here, but....nope, there they are again. A few days ago I went to the "spam box" or whatever ya call it, and deleted 800 spams. Think'n that would cure get'n more on the blog. Oh well, no harm done.

Boy howdy let me tell ya. The old Billy Bob got busy yesterday. Got the dishes all wash up and tackle the chore of this damn dark floor. Did I ever mention "don't install a dark wood floor in an RV"??? First I moved all the stuff what was in the way, an' then I sweeped up a big pile of dirt, dust, dog hairs and sand. Where it all come from I don't know. Maybe it's 'cause I leave the door open all the time and the wind blows it in. Of course, Sadie Mae contributes her share by go'n out in the road and roll' in the dirt. Then she come back inside and shake it all off.

Grilled me up a half a DiGiorno Surpreme pizza last night. But.....the piece of cardboard stuck to the bottom of it an' I had to filet it off like ya filet a fish. No, it didn't taste like fish or cardboard. That the first time that ever happen. I always grill my pizza with the cardboard on the bottom. Top rack, 350 degs. Turn out pretty lip smak'n if'n I do say so myself. Won't be leav'n that piece of cardboard on the bottom no more.

Speak'n of grills.....I got to think'n....since I have so many problems with "fires" with these cheap Walmart grills, I'm think'n, "git a good 'un". Hard to regulate the temp on a Walmart grill, an' they catches on fire all the time. So now I'm grill hunt'n. I kind of like the looks of the Weber grills, even thought they gonna cost me over a hunnert dollar. I ain't never had a "good" grill, so what ya think???

As usual, this morn'n sucks. It were a nippy 59 degs last night an' ain't warmed up much more this morn'n (68). Ain't the first sign of sunshine with a slight breeze bout 5 mile a hour. Now if'n the sun was shin'n, you know where I would be headed. But it ain't, so I ain't. "So what ya gonna do Billy Bob"? Hell if'n I know. I'll find something. *look'n round "da house"*....."my God Billy Bob, git off yer ass".

Maybe I will, maybe I won't. Ya see, ever time I mention hav'n to do some housework, people think I jump right up and get busy do'n stuff. Well, I don't. I just mention it.....that's all. Then, when it get to the point where it's absolutely necessary, that when I jumps up. So, the next time I say something needs done, that don't mean I did it. I just mentioned it. Oh the joys of be'n retired.....ya gotta love it.

I'm hav'n a really hard time here at Falcon Lake. With the weather be'n so unpredictable and all my aches an' pains, I have become a very bored and depressed old fart. I think up all kinds of things I want to do, but there's always something come up that throws a monkey wrench in the gears. It's not at all exciting I can tell ya that right now. But, I ain't complain'n ya know. Look at it this ways.....I could be somewheres shovel'n snow an' freez'n to death.


  1. I say "go for the new grill"!

    This is the first time I have ever heard of grilling a pizza, would be interesting to see how it tastes.

  2. I have always used a small charcoal grill, specifically a Weber Smoky Joe. Since they've been made in China for a while, they now have no carrying handle, fewer vents which means it's harder to get the fire going. I doubt if I'll ever switch to a gas grill - seems like more clean-up required than charcoal.

    My son-in-law makes his own pizza dough, adds all the toppings, and grills it. Delicious!

    1. Clean up of a gas grill is a snap.....don't do it.

      See, I ain't the only one what grills stuff. Tell your son to smoke smoke the next one.....yum yum eat 'em up. Same with biscuits....smoke 'em.

  3. Look at it this way. As long as you're blogging-------and entertaining us-----you can't be accused of doin' nothin' !! Keep it up, I say!

  4. My buddy made me a grill out of a beer keg. Mounted on legs, hinged lid with an adjustable vent, and grate inside. Really nice and works well.

    1. Where do you find room in a motorhome to carry a grill that big?

      Remind me to tell ya bout the time....."jet powered BBQ grill"

  5. Mmmmm, BB, you need to take a look at George & Suzie Yates' blog http://geosuzie.blogspot.com/ "Our Awesome Travels" - they use a Weber Q100 (I think it is) and every blog post a photo of what they grilled for dinner that night. Makes me hungry every day when I look at that. Now I'm gonna get me one of those grills.... Bet it would grill a pizza. They even post their recipes on the blog. :-)
    Jool in North Central Texas

  6. BB, I'd take 68 degrees! I know what you mean about the body and aches and pains. I leave Illinois every winter to get away from the cold because my body just doesn't do cold and here we came to Arizona and were in Ajo and the high today was 59 degrees! Low tonight in the 30's! We've had more cold days then warm since arriving here. I'm sick of the cold weather! Makes blogging hard to do when you spend your day resting aching body parts.

  7. I just counted it up and we've been in AZ 35 days and we've only had 10 days of temps 70 or above .. hmmm

    1. I think you need to spend the big bucks to find 70 degree temperatures during January and February. Ajo is cheap but it does not ALWAYS reach 70 for a high temperature during those months.

  8. Got us a Weber Q 100 couple years ago, best grill we have ever owned. Now use it almost every day and just works awesome.

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