

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Camp Drama RV Park

Ha, that one moment when you forgot what you was gonna say. I was sit'n here read'n a few blogs an' a 1000 watt light bub lit up. " I could write a blog post on that". It's gone.....poooof, just like that.

But anyhows, it weren't too cold last night (53*), sleeped till almost 8am this morn'n......it's gonna be a good day. Day time temps have been absolutely wonderful.....lower 80's.

Boy howdy, drama in the RV park. #9 put up a travel trailer for sale. #1 was gonna buy it. #9 rented an apartment to move to. #1 backed out of the deal. #9 got pissed. #1's daughter, #10 got involved. #9 kicked #1 and #10 off of his lot. #1 bought a John Deere tractor. #12, old "pesky neighbor" Wanye got involved (no restoration of tractors in park). #1 kicked #12 out of his lot. #11, Billy Bob, is sit'n back on "da porch" sip'n up a cup an' enjoy'n the show. Who says that old folks cain't have fun?

Dad gum it, I got so busy yesterday do'n stuff that I didn't get nuttin done. Only started.....incomplete. I rekon it's fair to say that the older ya get, the less ya gonna do. Although, I did scratch off one more item on my "to do" list. It's good to look at a checked off list an' gloat at your accomplishments...be they big or little. It's them check marks what count, not what ya did.

I just can't get over the fact that I keep get'n older every day. But then I ain't the oldest man in the world neither. But 72 is get'n up there amungst the "old folks". And I get jealous. Dad gum old ladies an' men travel'n all over the US have'n a good time an' I'm sit'n in a rock'n chair rock'n backards an' foreards out there on "da porch". Don't think I'll ever grow accustomed to be'n a old fart.

I was look'n at the map yesterday. Nope, still don't know where I'm gonna go. There's a possibility I may stay a couple weeks extra in Deming, but that's undecided too. If'n I ain't done what I was gonna do in a month, I sure as hell ain't gonna do nuttin in an extra two weeks. I jist ain't got the "want to".

I been feel'n a bunch better for the last week. Some the back pains are go'n away, but movement is still limited. Felt so good yesterday I went out in the road an' swak some golf balls. Shit, I cain't hit a golf ball straight for nuttin. Two of 'em went over there, where I wasn't aim'n....par for the course. Another one went fly'n off to the left, miss old "pesky's" truck by a foot. I weren't aim'n there neither.

So I rekon it's bout time to head downtown to the golf course for some real golf ball swak'n. Probly take Wayne with me to drive the cart.....maybe swak up a few. This time, maybe I'll remember to take the camera.

Poor Sadie Mae is slow'n down. She's get'n old too ya know. Bout 10 years now. But then, she eats a lot of balony when we visit Deming. Damn neighbors!!!


  1. Sounds like you could just sit on da porch and be entertained by the neighbors. Better than most TV shows. Yep, we old folks can have some fun.

  2. Seems to me you just got to Deming a few short days ago, not a month. Well, time flies when you're having fun and I sure am just reading you. Thank you Billy Bob.

    You spoke of slowing down posting; that's okay, long as you don't flat out quit on us. Got any pictures of the Deming area? Give us a tour.

    Sadie Mae sounds like my Choco; he ONLY likes people food; lays all day then all night wrapped up in his "cocoon" until he hears me open a can or bag; then he is all attentive action.

    1. Hi ya Sissy, always glad to read your comments. I ain't been think'n bout quit'n post'n my blog. It's the only way I know what I did yesterday....or a week ago. But as I slow down, so does my blog.

      Ha, Sadie Mae eats her dry dog food, but then she sneek off to the neighbors to get the good stuff. That's why I put her on a diet every time we depart Deming. She eat too much.

    2. Sorry, my mistake "jumping to conclusions" after reading 9/16 post and reading other bloggers decision of 'slowing down' but often disappearing into the misty ethers plum f'rever. Truth is: looks as if that is what has happened with me and my blogging endeavors. I gotta get busy, start note'n my recent adventures so's I can remember what I done, where I goed, what I seed, 'portant matters like that. Been almost two months since I've ranted. Ain't nobody told me "I miss you" though, so's maybe they not, eh? But as I say, you would be missed terribly; you perk a body up with your righten. Thank ye.

  3. I don't think 72 is that old since I reached 67.

    1. Wait till you reach 72, then tell me 72 ain't old. It ain't that 72 is old, it's that every thing is wored slap out. Gotta find me a good mechanic an' get this stuff fixed.

    2. Yeah, PP, wait till you age a few more short years; I now have resigned and admit I'm OLD...not in the old noggin though.

  4. Nothing like a good old trailer park drama to make the day go by, hey at least the boys in Blue didn't have to come in. Bad Boy... Bad Boy... What your gonna do when they come for you....

    1. LOL Joey, I "member one time many many years ago I lived in a trailer park. Yup, there was some kind of on-go'n drama every day.

  5. Nothing like some good ol' down home drama to liven things up!

  6. "Another one went fly'n off to the left, miss old "pesky's" truck by a foot. I weren't aim'n there neither."

    I was under the impression that Old Blue Eyes only drove a golf cart...had no idea he actually owned a vehicle.

  7. There always seems to be "Drama" in small communities, think that has something to do with a small house and too close to your neigbors.
    But does make life interesting for sure.
    Have fun out there golf ball swakin!

  8. Hey, Billy Bob,
    Have you ever seen that music video with Toby Keith about the trailerhood? Funnier than heck. Your story reminded me of it. Keep on bloggin' please and thank you!

    Max from Illinois.

  9. You're sounding pretty good, and I think you like sitting back and watching all the drama around you.
