

Monday, April 11, 2011

Lost day

Boy howdy, if ya don't have a watch that tells ya what day it is, you gonna be out in left field when ya should be up at bat.

Got up this morn'n....but first, let me tell ya bout yesterday. Sunday is golf day in Deming for old Billy Bob, but things didn't work out. The wind was blow'n 30 mile a hour with gusts to 50. That don't make a good golf day. So we didn't play. Then on top of that, remember the new pain I was whin'n about. Well it came back last night.
Only position I could be comfortable was on my left side. And I can't go to sleep on my left side. Then to top that off, I had to get up 3 times for a potty call. Then to top that off, my water was froze up this morning.

Me and the boys went off to play golf this afternoon. Me think'n it was Sunday. So since I was already screwed up on what day it was, I thought it would be to my advantage to throw the game. Boy howdy did I ever. Of course the Old Fat Man Barney had to show off and beat me bad....along with pesky neighbor Wayne stomp'n me by 3 strokes. I'll never throw another game. Back at "da house" by 4:30 look'n at the couch. Need to lay down. Old Billy Bob wore slap out.

No other news at this time.


  1. I would for once like to head Wayne side of how them Golf Games are going. ha,ha

  2. Carolyn and Gerald, everyone else would like to hear his side too. But ya probably wouldn't believe him either. Welcome to Billy Bob's Place.

  3. I am going to practice my ball swaking.


  4. I love this part:"Then to top that off, I had to get up 3 times for a potty call. Then to top that off, my water was froze up this morning."

    I'm assuming that it was your third potty call when your water froze up. That happens to me also, just part of getting OLD. HA
