

Monday, October 5, 2015

" Oh where have you been Billy Boy....Billy Boy...Oh where have you been charming Billy"

Well shoot....let's write something. It's been a while ya know.

I been hav'n me some good days an' I been hav'n me some bad days. The weather sucks with no sunshine an' rain ever day. Ain't complain'n too much bout the temps thought....lower 60's night time an' upper 60's to lower 70's day time. Shoot, I could live with this for a spell.

Still cain't work on the boat project due to the high humidity an' cool temps. It's not that I ain't capable in these conditions, but it's the material, epoxy resin, what ain't do'n what it supposed to do. But I DID install the drive shaft an' prop.....hook it up to the motor. Damn, the prop looks too small.....1 inch diameter.

Work has continued daily on the building of the beautiful Chris Craft custom boat trailer. One coat of ivory paint has been applied. Damn, it's look'n super good. Tires an' wheels have been completed except for the installation of the makeshift VW hubcaps. Hubcaps will be temporarily installed just in case I find what I'm look'n for. Wheels have been "monkey" glued to the gloss black axles.....taped to the frame while look'n for itty bitty screws. Now where the hell is my itty bitty screw stash located? Fenders have been adjusted an' installed. Have ya ever builded a miniature boat winch? I'm gonna give it a try, but no guarantees. Mahogany planks have been glued together, shaped an' fitted to the trailer.

 Health issues....Ha, don't even wanna talk bout 'em. My stomach issues have got to change. This shit sucks. That new back pain ain't get'n no better. This is why I don't like go'n to no dad gum chiroquackers. Maybe my visit to the back doctor will give me some relief. Git'n a shot ya know. Ha, no coffee that morn'n.

Ok, I got sand'n to do, polyurethan'n to do, hubcaps to install, construction of a miniature boat winch....shoot, I got boat trailer build'n to do. By the way, them hubcaps look sharp as shit on the wheels.


  1. looking mighty good Billy Bob, mighty good!!

  2. I don't know anything about boats and trailers, but yours look terrific! The photo of the trailer looks like it could be sitting in someone's garage!

  3. Lovin that boat trailer keep up the good work BB.

  4. hi BB. hey how is the old pesky neighbor Wayne doing these days ? if you get a chance , please tell him i say hello . i forgot to mention at least one more jack of all trades that you posses a talent for is your great style of writing and telling your stories . you aspire to all of us to be a big old ruff and tuff red neck . having said that i know for a fact that you are just a big old softy at heart . don't worry i won't tell anyone about your secret . keep up the great work on the boat and trailer .

  5. hi BB. I down loaded windows 10 on Tuesday and so far I like it .

  6. hi BB. it only took me 2.5 hours to down load windows 10 .
