

Thursday, May 15, 2014

One eye is open

I'll only write a few words this morn'n. Ya see, I had me a hard night last night. Lay down an' cain't go to sleep think'n bout all the things I been think'n bout for the last two months....all rolled up into one night. I only got one eye open this morn'n, an' my dad gum hip hurts......Grrrrrrrr.

Took me a trip to Walmart yesterday. Had some meds to pick up in the pharmacy. Bought a few grocery items....stuff I'll probly never eat. I do that when I'm get'n ready to be on the road for a week.
Anyhows, on the way back to "da huse", the "billy jeep" temp thingy say "I'm hot". Somewheres up there bout 230 degs. What the hell? I pull into a convenience store an' buy me up some water for the radiator. Sit'n there in the park'n lot, the temp goes down to normal....with the engine running. I can make it home....what I do.

Oh yeah, before I forget. I had a incident at Walmart....with a nice lady. I come around a corner, an' right there in the middle of the aisle is a shop'n cart. And this nice lady is stand'n there next to the cart talk'n on her cell phone. I wait bout a minute or so think'n she would move out the way. Then I says something...."You're talkn' on your damn phone an' block'n the aisle...I need to get by". Damn was NOT the word I used, but you get the picture. Anyhows, that nice lady gives me one them looks an' proceeds to call me rude. RUDE??? LADY....talk'n on the phone an' block'n the aisle is rude. Im think'n these people wait until they enter Walmart, an' then they break out their phones. Call their neighbors, friends, baby sitters....stuff like that.  That's just my take on it. 

At "da house", I open the hood. Everything is normal, or I think it is....the electric fan is running at a low speed. Water levels are normal. Hmmmmm....that electric fan.....why is it running at low speed? I let the "billy jeep" cool down, an' then crank it up again....watch the temp come back up to normal. Then I raise the rpm's to 1500 for a few minutes. The temp climbs. The freak'n fan ain't on yet. I let the temp go a bit higher....the fan kicks in. It's still run'n too slow. I'm think'n this ain't right.
"Robert, do ya know anything bout radiator fans"????

Ok, the OFM Barney don't know it, but the old "Billy Bob" has been do'n some think'n bout golf ball swak'n. It's gonna be a new game today.....I might just possibly win for a change. I'll be starting the round using my old "guaranteed" putter. I modified it from manufactured specifications. If'n I can remember, I'll use my special "putting" ball on the greens. Ha....Barney ain't got a chance. Well, it would help if'n I could get my ball on the green.  


  1. Maybe it is time for a new fan on "that jeep". Seems funny to me, Barney is always saying how bad he gets beat by you and you keep saying that Barney wins. I guess when you two play it is a tie, right?

    1. Sorry Dizzy, but it's the "billy jeep" not the "that jeep" that is giv'n me a problem.
      Yeah I know all bout old Barney always say'n I win him. But....I've only beat him twicest in bout 4 years. Him being a low handicap player, I have no chance. But shhsshhhh.....I knows how to cheat.

    2. So that is how you always have the lowest score like today!

  2. Ohh hope your fan is not on the fritz... perhaps some lube? I know our motorhome has a grease zirk on the fan shaft, and many mechanics miss that one on a lube job. Does your jeep have the same?

    ARGGHHH on the Walmart customer... One time I asked someone on the phone with her cart in the middle of the cereal aisle to move (politely) and she RAISED A FINGER AT ME TO WAIT! Granted, it wasn't the MIDDLE finger, but it was like "just a second" gesture. I waited.. .and then I shouted "PUT DOWN THE DAMNED PHONE AND MOVE!" and she glared at me--- but the lady waiting at the other end of the aisle to come through applauded loudly and said "MOVE IT OR LOSE IT" I kinda thought we would have a demo derby with shopping carts right then and there. She emphatically moved over and I smiled my biggest smile and said brightly "Thank You!" hahahhaha It made my day!

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. That was bout my exact interaction. Some people have no respect for other shoppers. Like neighbors block'n the aisle talk'n to each other...."Oh my god Margaret, I haven't seen you since early this morn'n".

      Bout the fan....it's electric, not mechanical. I think the fan is fine, but I have suspicions bout the fan motor temp control thingy. Fix in Georgia.

  3. Most people carry their phones around in their hands so as to not miss a single call or to be able to text on a whim, and a lot of them don't realize how obnoxious it is. Even people who aren't blocking the aisles talk on their phones, usually loudly enough that they can be heard by others, and I find it so annoying. Maybe because I don't have a smart phone? I will never ever get one either and I live just fine without it.

    1. Gypsy, I couldn't agree with you more. And no cancer-causing cell for me!

    2. I didn't mention it in my post this morn'n, but I took Frank to Walmart with me. At the check out, he was on his phone....almost left his bags there. Then as he departed, he passed right by me, still talk'n on the phone. Left me there all alone to fend for myself.

  4. Some humans show how ignorant they really are. I have a personal vendetta regarding Ear-To-The-Phone-Shoppers and Drivers, especially drivers. I encounter them every time I travel the roads. Somebody is being harmed, injured or killed regularly, involving drivers and their phones. Just when is our father/government going to clamp down, I want to know. All I get from the state rep. is a mouthful of warm mush talk. BS!

    Traveling days are getting closer, BB. Games are about to begin, eh? Just don't push yourself too much.

    1. I sure to heck am with ya on cell phones while driving. There should be a device, installed by government, that shuts down all cell signals within any vehicle. Think of all the lives that would be saved and all the family talk that would go on....between the front seat an' back seat.

      Games??? What games? I have nuttin exciting planned....no danc'n, no beer no drink'n, no chas'n young wimmins.....none that "game" stuff. I'm destined to "sit on my ass" an' grow old.

    2. You really want the government to install something to control you in your own car? And what else would it do, take pictures of you, listen in on all your conversations? However, I would like controls on other people sometimes.

      LOL...those are the games she is talking about.

  5. Hope you get "billy Jeep" cooled down, maybe a new fan in in the works.

    1. I think the fan is OK. The controller that brings the fan on an' adjusts the speed is where I'm think'n.

  6. Daddy, it's the do-hickey thingy that's hooks to the hickey-bobber.lol... the phone thing , we should have a signal buster button we can push. get even, get in one of those electric carts and break down in the middle of the aisle and get on the phone. hope you have a better night. Ok love you later.

  7. This guy was in an electric cart on one end of a frozen food aisle. He pulled up by a guy opening boxes of merchandise. Now, I am the only other person on the aisle, coming in their direction. I am on an electric cart, too. I had to stop and say, "Excuse me! ExCUSE me! EXCUUUSE ME!!!' Guy acted like he had not heard me. He did. He just wanted to stay as long as he wanted. Now, both men are facing me and neither can see me? I don't buy that.
