

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Lay'n back do'n nuttin

This is a ignition switch....on a 2003 "Sally da house" motorhome.

That's located up under the dashboard. You cain't get to the under the dashboard to remove the switch. The steering column, see the bolts?, will have to be dropped (lowered) to gain access to the switch.
Anyhows, in the entire US of A, I have found only one place, in Washington state, that has this ignition switch. Now how comes that????

Boy howdy let me tell ya. Stress, such as I experienced for the last few days make me sick like a dog eat'n green grass. I'm think'n green grass would be a dogs Alka Seltzer. What ya think. I had three choices for supper last night....fried balony sammich, a couple cold hot dogs or some that Billy Bob south Texas chili. All Alka Seltzer designed suppers. I chose the chili, with some Doritos an' a glass of milk. Did you know, Alka Seltzer will cure half sour milk???

I was able to get me a couple hours rest with a short 1 hour nap in that chair yesterday afternoon. Boy howdy, that thing was a good buy.

Nephew Joseph come in from work bout 6:30 an' we had us a nice visit. He gets down on hands an' knees an' looks at the ignition switch....."Oh, I've changed a couple of those, but not that color". He agrees that the steering column needs dropped. Now how the hell do ya drop a steer'n column???

This morn'n I still have a lot of pressure in my back....muscles all pull up an' stuff like that. Pain levels are so so, not too bad. At least the guy with the bulldozer ain't come over to visit an' see how I'm do'n. I don't like that guy.

Ain't gonna do nuttin today other than lay back an' relax. Well, I cain't relax quite yet, but I sure do like the lay back an' do nuttin part.

I'm gonna leave it this for the day...see how it turns out. See ya all laters....



  1. Looks like some exposed copper wiring from the picture. Might be shorted wires instead of the switch??????

    1. That's where I took my trusty dull knife an' trimmed them wires back to check voltages. But, shorted wires would be sooo much easier to fix.

    2. OK never mind then. I hope the switch is the only trouble. Be safe.

  2. " found only one place, in Washington state, that has this ignition switch. Now how comes that????"
    This is very odd; maybe it tells us that it is a rarely needed part, so it isn't normally stocked?
    IF you could find a wrecked RV just like yours, possibly a switch would be available OR maybe a different RV's ignition switch would fit - ask the expert mechanics; they would know.

    I'll say again: I am so relieved you made it safely back. Now if we all/your followers could put our heads together and figure out a way to fix all your pain.

    1. Actually Sissy, this is a common occurrence/failure on 2001 to 2005 Workhorse chassis. Where all them people got their parts I don't know. There is a different part number for a (black) ignition switch that looks exactly like my (green) one. You don't rekon do ya???

      Ha ha, do you really think I would trust a follower to break out a knife an' cut into my back?
      Pains today have slowed down this afternoon. Took me up a Tylenol III bout noon time.

    2. "Where all them people got their parts I don't know"
      Oh, I see. All those people probably getting parts is probably the reason you only found one place that has what you need. I reckon if the ignition switch has lasted these many years and not ever needed replacing, you have had good service from it.

      "Ha ha, do you really think I would trust a follower to break out a knife an' cut into my back?"

      Lordy mercy BB, I didn't mean nothing of that sort of fixing; you are using tunnel vision, thinking the knife is the only solution. I don't rightly know of a solution to make you brand new but as skinny as you are, I would guess your bones are also deteriorating as mine - the osteoporosis comes with age and especially bad with thin bodies. Maybe you should see a doc about having a bone density test to see what condition they actually are. You sure as He$$ don't want to break a hip or worse! I get a Reclast treatment once yearly and supposed to take calcium 800 mg and Vitamin D 1200 mg daily. I'm slacking badly; thus the cause of so much pain. Also my percentage chances of breaking a hip or back is much greater this year than last year. Might as well shoot myself before I fall and become bedridden! Same difference; going to die either way. Hope you have a perfect night, Billy B.

    3. Should have written 'anything' rather than 'nothing'. Excuse my use of correct English; I'm slip, slip, slipping away.

  3. Just while you wait on a new one from here: https://ultrarvproducts.com/store/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=234&currency=USD&language=en&gclid=CjwKEAiA2JqkBRDshIOY_9eMghkSJABvNd1Qj1Euojdew8A9p_MGk-pYpsDJJPMG939sLmszU9dTphoCxiPw_wcB

  4. You deserve to sit back and try to relax after a trip like you had. You're still the king of your castle!

  5. After a trip like that gotta sit back and do nuttin' good for you.

  6. Take it easy. You're certainly way into getting things done, so you should really just sit back once in a while, to let your back muscles work themselves out. If they don't, then don't hesitate to seek out a chiropractor and have your pain checked out. Take care!

    Derek Sparks @ Forgey Chiropractic
