

Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 was a good year....

It's been a good year when ya can sit back and count your accomplishments and fulfilled goals. Lifes toils and tribulations are soon forgotten when you look forward to a brighter day tomorrow.

The old Billy Bob had an exceptionally good year considering all the turmoil in the world and at home USA. Wars and rumors of war have no place in my life. Falling markets and rising gas prices have not effected my lifestyle. The ups and downs of everyday life have been outweighed by pleasure and happiness of doing whatever and whenever I so desire. So what if I have bitched and moaned from time to time throughout the year when things didn't go my way. They were soon forgotten and the good life carried on. Count your blessings, we got another year beginning tomorrow. I don't make new years resolutions 'cause they are way too easy to break.

Woke up this morning to another heavy fog bank....visability bout a hunnert yards. Another cold front is due in the area sunday evening with winds out of the north at 18 mile a hour. This is gonna affect my travel plans for monday, even though I have only 30 miles to go. And then, the highways is gonna be crowded with tourist and hung over travelers. Maybe I should leave a day early and avoid the rush and the extreme cold temps.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Toad hunt'n part #2

Boy howdy, it's all foggy outside this morning. And I mean foggy......

Had some good comments on my hunt for a "toad". I think River hit it right when he asked what I gonna use a toad for. Since "Sally da house" is also my home, I carry a lot of stuff with me. Some of this "stuff" is transported in the toad. You know what I'm talk'n bout....a storage shed on wheels. So, I need something big enough to hold it all. I can do without 4 wheel drive since I gave up gold prospecting and am no longer located in the desert and mountains. Most importantly, I need a motor big enough to get the full effects of a "cherry bomb" exhaust system. Billy Bob likes it loud ya know. Anything less than a V-6 is out of the question. Then there is the weight equation. It's not that "Sally da house" doesn't have enough horsepower to pull a toad full of "stuff" down the road do'n a hunnert mile a hour, but the fact of being overloaded and the possibility of damaging the motor and transmission....what I probably am tow'n "that jeep". From past experience, I will be "toad" hunt'n for a small size V-6 pick'em up (Ranger, S-10 or Dakota or equivalent ) with a topper or a medium size SUV.

Speak'n of toads.......years ago my daughter Angela had a sleep over party for her birthday or something like that. Well, I was the coordinator for all the games and such. We lived right next to the local cemetery, so midnight we all headed off frog hunt'n. The biggest toad won the prize....what ever it was I don't remember. Now if'n ya ain't never been in a cemetery at midnight with a bunch of 10 an' 12 year old girls, ya don't know what ya miss'n. And to talk a little girl into pick'n up a frog.....Oh my God. It was fun fun hilariously funny for a solid hour. Naturally a ghost story was told before going to bed at somewheres bout 2am. Wonder if any them girls still remember "toad" hunt'n in the cemetery?  

Had a wonderful visit from Barney the OFM yesterday afternoon. We went up the the Mexican food eat'n place and overindulged. With full bellies, we cruised around to a few of my old secret fish'n holes. Well hell no we didn't catch no fish. We was jist fish'n, not catch'n. 

One of the most dreaded chores of a full time RV'er is laundry. Well, old Billy Bob is down to a couple pair of socks and cream of the crop holey underdrawers. That should last another couple weeks, but I need to get'er done in the next 3 days before I head off to "el Rancho Abraham" in Sinton, Texas. Maybe today, but don't bet your last dollar on it.


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Toad hunt'n

Boy howdy, it's gonna be another beautiful day.

Yesterday, me and Sadie Mae took off for Corpus Christi look'n at "toads" (a towed vehicle behind your motorhome). We started hit'n used car dealerships. I was surprised to find that most lots had nothing under the year of 2008 and what few they did have, were either way overpriced for the year model, or would not serve as a "toad". I have but three choices, a standard shift 2 wheel drive, a standard shift 4 wheel drive or automatic 4 wheel drive. That's it. Surprisingly, there are not many choices online either. But I did find 2 Ford Ranger pick ups in San Antonio that may be worth the travel distance to look at.

Photo removed 'cause it was an automatic 2WD

Chunked a few lures down at the "secret hole" and not a bite. There just ain't nobody catch'n fish out of the secret holes. Ya got to have a boat to get to where the fish live....and I ain't talk'n no little "bubba boat". Although, there are many places the "bubba boat" would be perfect.  Remember when I was tell'n ya bout them ships blow'n their horn at me to get out the way when I was out there in my little 22 foots sailboat? I was younger back then and I weren't skeered of nuttin, but let me tell ya, that day I was skeered. Well, I ain't gonna be out there in the "bubba boat" when a ship comes by.....that's for sure.

12 noon....
Well here I am back later. Got the dishes done, trash out and took me a shower. Now what I gonna do.

Did some research on "that jeep". Fount out that the "Billy Bob" don't know what the hell he's talk'n bout. The "that jeep" don't weigh almost 6000 pound like I said it do. It's right at 4000 pound curb weight and 5500 GVWD....duh. Then I check the curb weight of a 2002 Frord Ranger 4x4 pick'em up truck. Weight almost the same as do the "that jeep". So what do I do in a case like this??? I guess I could spend another $3000 on the Jeep, but what would I have if'n I took that route? That's an easy question. I would have a $8000 piece of junk Jeep. Man.....decisions never cease.

The OFM Barney is on his way over to visit and go eat 'em up some Mexican food. Maybe we'll get a chance to toss some lures in the water.

Ok....got things to do

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A visit to Rockport

New glasses and a well deserved fish'n reel is a good decision. But.....did you know you can put the fish'n line on the reel backwards. Well, that what I did. On the first cast, I got me one them "birdsnests" like ya ain't never see in your life. A great big ol' wad of fish'n line all tangle up on my brand spank'n new reel. I says...."My God, would you take a look at that".

Me and Sadie Mae loaded up "that jeep" and went off to take a look at the water. We was go'n fish'n ya know. Well the tidal current was go'n out through the ship channel bout a hunnert mile a hour. So we ain't gonna be fish'n there. Then we discussed go'n to to the Packery Channel, an outlet from the bays to the Gulf of Mexico. It gonna be boil'n out there too. So we jump on the ferry boat an' head 'em off to Rockport. We gonna go visit with the OFM Barney. On the way we stopped a few places and chunked a few lures in the water. That where I got that birdsnest. We had a nice visit cruis'n round Rockport look'n at stuff. Holy cows, the changes in the last 10 to 15 years amazed me. Nuttin is the same as I remember it.

Don't know what to do today. It's a beautiful sunshiny day bout 70 degs...so far. This is outside weather. I rekon I aught to charge up the battery for the "bubba boat" just in case I get up enough nerve to launch that thing. I sure don't like the idea of get'n wet, but with a "bubba boat" there ain't much choice. Why the hell didn't I but me some waders???

Well "that jeep" done popped up with another problem. I was go'n down the road, hit a bump an' the freak'n motor quit. Not once, bout three times. Then I see the little "check engine" light is on. What the hell is the deal now? I'm at the point that I don't trust this thing to drive to the grocery store 2 mile away. If'n I had a big enough gun I would blow that thing to smitherines...or whatever. Then probably go to jail. Gonna reset the computer and see what happens. I may even yank the performance chip out of it and throw it in the dumpster. But that's like work, so maybe I should leave it for another day.

Oh yeah....Barney was tell'n me yesterday the finer points of my little camera. Well, it's worse than that now. Ya see, I were gonna take a pic of Sadie Mae on the ferry boat an' I drop my camera. It hit the asphalt deck of the ferry boat and broke something.....the lens protector thingy. It don't open no more when ya turn it on. So old Billy Bob fix it right up. I yank them lens protector thingys right slap out of the lens with my trusty switch blade knife. Springs go fly'n. But, the camera still works. I can fix anything.

Ok....got things to do.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas shopp'n....

There ain't nuttin better than to wake up to a beautiful day. Well there might be, but this is best I can do this morn'n.

Yesterday I jump in that old "that jeep" an' head 'em up to Corpus Christi with two things on my mind. Get new glasses and go Christmas shopp'n. Got 'em both done as you can see. Ok, where the hell did the big Walmart on SPID go? It's gone.....either that or I needed glasses worse than I thought.

I don't know where everybody else gets their glasses but I get mine from LenCrafters. Been do'n it for 15 years now without a hitch. Total cost was just $35 to the examination place right next door to the glasses place. Ain't insurance great?  Ain't being able to see great?

Now I got to figger out what I gonna do today with all this beautiful sunshine. It's free so I rekon I better take advantage of it. Now if'n I could figger out where the fishes are hiding at, maybe I could eat fish for supper tonight. If I catch any, they will probably be too big to keep, but shoot, fish'n is fun anyhows....even if ya don't catch none. All excitis bout try'n out that brand spank'n new fish'n reel.

Guess I'll load up this damn dog an' go somewheres. I know there's a fish out there just wait'n for me to show up. So' I'm off to adventure on the gulf coast. Ain't ya excitis for me? I am.

Check back laters and see all the pics of oversize fish I catched.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Chang'n mind

Ok....mak'n a major decision here this morning...

I used to tell the kids "no" a lot. Then they would run off to their mama whinn'n that I always said "no". She would tell them, "just wait a few minutes, he'll change his mind". What I usually did. Well, that's what happened last night. Ya see, it's like this, I was look'n at the extended weather forecast. We gonna have some nice weather for the next week or so. Sunshine and upper 60's every day. Now that's fish'n weather. Do'n stuff outside weather. Tak'n care of business weather. And that what I gonna do. I'll be extending my stay in Port Aransas for another week.

Had I went along with my original plan to move "da house" to Sinton, Texas......bout 30 mile from everything, I would be stuck with long drives to the exciting and adventurous locations. Ya see, what I'm do'n here is justify'n my decision to "change my mind". I need new glasses and it's much closer to Corpus Christi from Port A than it is from Sinton. And Walmart is just across the ferry and down the road a piece bout 10 mile. All my secret fish'n holes are right here....or close by. Yup, I make good decisions.

I'm get'n to worry bout the "OFM" Barney with them silly hats he got for Christmas. He surely wouldn't wear one out in public would he? Now there have been times I wished I had one just like that when I was freez'n to death in some God awful cold environment when I should have been inside snuggled up to a cherry red wood burn'n stove. Men do strange things when they get it in their mind they gonna go fish'n, hunt'n or work'n on an old junk car. Been many time I was at the golf ball swak'n place in 35 deg weather.

Remember the beef stew soup I made a few days ago. Well, I ate me up a big ol' bowl yesterday and it was burnt. Make me sick. Now how the hell can ya burn beef stew soup?  Two gallons to the dumpster.

After I make this morning grand decision to stay in Port Aransas for another week, I made another very important decision. Remind me in the morn'n to tell ya bout it.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Misery of Christmas

Well wouldn't ya know it, the weather is terrible for a holiday. I waked up this morn'n and said...."what the hell". The wind was blow'n a gale, foggy, rain and it's cold outside (51 degs). Even Sadie Mae had doubts as to if she was gonna go out to pee or not. Simple....kick her out the door. Now she's back in bed at 9:45am.

Old Barney come by to see me last night. I rekon he was as bored as I was. Nephew Joseph and his girlfriend/fiance Rena also come by and we all went out to eat up some Mexican food. Was a very pleasant visit all around.

Arrangements were made with Joseph to move "Sally da house" over to "el Rancho Abraham" in Sinton, Tx come monday. While there, we gonna go car shopp'n in Corpus Christi and see if'n I can find a replacement for "that jeep". Something a little lighter and more trustworthy. Also need to go get me some new eye peepers from the eye glasses place. Been see'n double images for the last year, so I rekon it's bout time. It's hell driv'n down the road and see two great big ol' trucks com'n at ya. One passes and you have no idea where the other one went.

Now what does a retired, travel'n, homeless person do for the holidays? Being alone with only an old dog for company and companionship, I ain't gonna be a do'n nuttin. Made up that big pot of beef stew soup yesterday for the occasion, so that's it. Eat soup and lay on my butt over there on the couch an' watch'n what ever on TV. Excit'n huh???

Friday, December 23, 2011

Walk'n on rocks

Don't be let'n that title fool ya, I gonna get to it in a minute.

Bout 11am yesterday, I decided to take advantage of a purty nice day...I went off fish'n. My first stop was an old "secret hole", where in the past, I have caught some nice eat'n fish. But yesterday at the "secret hole" proved unfavorable. In fact, all my old secret holes proved the same. Out of all the different places I throwed the pole in the water, I never seen one fish caught by nobody.

Then.....I went to the jettys at The University of Texas marina. Just 10 years ago I could scramble all over them rocks get'n to a good fish'n spot. Well, old Billy Bob won't be scrambl'n round on them rocks no more. When I got half ways to the end, that's when I knowed I done made a big mistake. It wasn't that I couldn't find a place to put my feet, but the fact I've lost a good deal of my sense of balance. Feet just refused to go where I intended. Walk'n out on them rocks was harder than walk'n on water.....what I gave up on years ago.

Speak'n of walk'n on water......there was a fish'n pier what went out in Galveston Bay just outside Texas City what I fish'ed off of on occasion. I pulls up where it supposed to be and what the hell, it's under water, by bout a foots. High tide ya know right after a storm in the gulf. There were a bunch of wade fishermen close by....waded out bout up to their belly buttons. Well, I didn't come to wade fish, I gonna fish off the pier. So's I start walk'n out on the apparently missing pier....to the amazement of the wade fishermen. From a distance, you could a swore I was "walk'n on water". Not being able to see the submerged pier ya know. That was cool.

Another time I attempted to walk on water was in an old swim hole when I was just a kid. I see them big ol' snakes headed my way an' I was out of there right now. Bout a hunnert mile a hour. But that's another story for another time.

What the deal with all the insurance advertisements in the mail? I went and picked up bout 3 months of mail from my mail people, Port Aransas Business Center, yesterday and more than half of it was offers from insurance companies. The insurance I have now could be considered the best in the world (Medicare and BCBS (Blue Cross Blue Shield)) and probably the cheapest. I think Medicare is $99 a month and my secondary insurance, BCBS, is $124 a quarter. Any medical needs that may arise costs me nuttin. My perscriptions are super cheap, I have dental and vision coverage.....what more could I want? I'm covered 100%.  Remember my open heart surgery bills for close to $250,000......paid 100%.

Today is windy. Nuttin like Deming New Mexico, but still to windy and chilly to lay'n out on the beach in a speedo.

Got a big pot of beef stew soup brew'n on the stove for the next few days of cold weather and go'n out for sizzl'n fajitas with nephew Joseph tonight at Old San Juan's Mexican Restaurant. Will be mov'n "da house to "el Rancho Abraham" in Sinton, Texas come bout monday afternoon.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Being that........I have lived in and retired in Port Aransas, Texas, I know what to expect. It ain't like I'm gonna be surprised by either the weather or the conditions.

My first encounter with Poat A was way back in '64 while I was stationed in Charleston, SC. aboard one of our great warships, a guided missile destroyer escort....or something like that. USS Charles F. Adams DDG 2.

I had an old '56 Ford an' took off for south Texas on a 30 day vacation. Holy crap, what a trip. I pull over in "someplace", Mississippi for gas and here come Barney Fife, the local law enforcement officer. "Whare yer shoes boy"? (I was barefoot) I says..."right there on the front seat". He read me the riot act bout in Mississippi ya gotta have shoes on your feet while driv'n....thought for sure I was gonna go to jail. Finally make it to Texas an' make a mistake of ask'n directions. Nobody ain't never hear of Port Aransas....I were lost....stuck in Beaumont, Texas. Well I knowed it was on the coast by the name.....Port. So's I head on south down the coast highway, State Highway 35...for what seemed days. Texas is big ya know.

When I finally arrived my destination, there was a ferry boat wait for me. Paid my $1 for the short ride across the Corpus Christi ship channel and start hit'n bars. That's where my daddy spent most his time. I finally found him, not by sight, but by sound. He was sing'n "My Philippino Baby" at the top his lungs accompanied by the pounding of a out of tune piano played by "Bob", a screech'n fiddle and a wash tub base strum'ed by "Buttercup". 

Now back in them days, Port A was a wide open town....a little fishing village with a population right bout 500 people. There was a bar on almost every street corner and most had a poker game go'n on in the back rooms. High dollar poker games. I fished. I drank. I cruised the beach. We partied. Holy crap, I done found paradise on the Texas gulf coast. Then my 30 day vacation was up. Back to Charleston, SC.

A year later, I was stationed on an old WWII destroyer (USS Haynesworth DD700) out of Galveston, Texas....only 200 hunnert mile from Port A. Many weekends were spent in Port A till I was know by everybody in town. Then I moved there in 1970.....to stay. Was gone a few years....Atlanta and West by God Virginia. Then back to the Island in 1986....to stay. Went to work for the University of Texas for the next 15 years, bought 5 years of military time and retired in Jan, 2002. Been "on the road again" for the last 10 years in "Alice" an' "Sally da house".

Now here I am, back in Port A. But things have changed. Big changes. It's no longer a little fishing village. They turned it into a tourist trap. Big souvenir shops poped up where once stood adult drink establishments. Condos line the once desolate highway leading into town. Gambling is no longer allowed. Public intoxication is no longer allowed....although it happen occasionally. Bon fires on the beach are no longer allowed and most of the best fish'n holes are closed to fish'n. It's a freak'n City now.

Ok...got things to do.....

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bitch'n post...

Port Aransas, Texas

First things first. She said....."your blogs are too long, ya write too much". That got me to think'n ya know. What if I was to just make a short post? Something like....
"I ain't happy this morn'n". 
That's it. Nuttin else. Well, somebody gonna be call'n me up on the cell ask'n why I ain't happy this morn'n. Then I got to go into detail with some kind of explanation....bout a hunnert times, an' probably run the batteries down on the cell. Seems to me that if'n I was to 'splain stuff from the begin'n, I won't be hav'n no dead batteries in my cell. An' sides that, I like to write as much nonsense as I can possibly put in a daily blog post. That make sense???

Ok, from what I can figger out so far....I ain't happy this morn'n. Somewheres back up the road a piece I got to think'n...."I sure gonna miss the desert". The farther I went east and south, the more I left the desert behind.....gone, poooof, just like that. And to end up in a place I don't like no more just adds to the equation. Something don't add up. Gonna be do'n some think'n on this in the days to follow.

Back to the question of where I gonna stay. My travel'n days ain't like they used to be where I would just plant "da house" somewheres and be content till I decided to hit the road again. The excitement just ain't there no more.....an' I worry bout little things too much. You know...the what if's an' stuff like that.

Wow, I just get in town and here come the weather right behind me, spoil'n any chance of a wonderful day. Not that I was gonna go down to the beach wear'n nuttin but my "speedo" and lay out watch'n babes. It seems winter brings out the worst in a person....kind of like drink'n half a case of cheap beer. Always something to bitch about. In that case, it's time to post this "whinn'n" and cry'n stuff and get on with my day. Things will be better tomorrow.

Monday, December 19, 2011

What the hell.....

Boy howdy Billy Bob, don't ya watch the weather forecasts?

Here I are sit'n here in  Texas Rest Area on I-37 bout 75 mile north of Corpus Christi and ...."what the hell"? First, it rained all night long....just a little steady drizzle. Then this morn'n, the wind is blow'n a hunnert mile a hour right out of the south.

Oh, did I tell ya bout what happen last night? Ya see, when I pull into the park'n area, I said to myself...."go down to the last space". What I did....but it weren't really a park'n space. I look in front me and behind me....yup, plenty room for them big trucks to get by. Well anyhows....I screwed up. Bout 12:30 I was awaked by a a hunnert angels blow'n trumpets. It was a line of trucks....all pissed off 'cause they couldn't get by. Boy howdy what a nightmare that was. I pulls up a few feet and goes back to bed. Next time I'm gonna park over there in the autos section where there ain't no irate truck drivers.

Ok....here what I gonna do. Well maybe what I'm gonna do. Who knows? I'm serious when I say I don't know where I'm go'n. I ain't got that many choices ya know.

Holy crap.....git down on your hands an' knees and praise the lord you made it to Corpus Christi. Ya see, it's like this, I swore a long time ago to never drive in a hurricane again after a close call with my life and a hunnert others. But I did it anyhows, think'n I was one tuff cookie. And let me tell ya right now, it were one scary ride. Never ever will I take that chance again. I was even scar'n them Texas cowboy truck drivers.

Now that I'm here, where the hell am I gonna go? Well that's an easy question.....to a RV park.....duh!!! Ok, in Port Aransas I have bout a dozen or more choices. All of 'em are high price RV resorts what I ain't particularly interested in. What the hell would I do in a freak'n hot tub? I ain't no lobster or a egg ya know. So I guess it's Google time to check some prices. Back laters......

3:30pm....or close to it
Boy howdy I done wore Google slap out. Spend the last 3 hour search'n rv parks in the area. They priced any where's from $150 a month to $650 a month.....plus elect. So here what I gonna do.....pick me out a space at the County park in Port Aransas for a week while I go look'n at reasonable rates by the month. The reasonable rates surely won't be on the Island. They gonna be either Aransas Pass or Rockport where Barney lives. Sure wisht I remember the name of the park where Barney is stay'n. Maybe they are cheap and have an opening.

Ok....headed for the Island. No not Padre Island.....Mustang Island and Port A.....much as I hate to. But business needs took care of before I go off play'n somewheres.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

On the road again....

Boy howdy let me tell ya......it's miserable out there. Went out to hook up the "that jeep" and it was drizzl'n rain and cold.....49 degs. Actually I was debat'n on if I should stay here another week till all this terrible weather straighten out, but I said to hell with it, I may as well be miserable closer to the coast as here.

See, I tole ya. It ain't the biggest fish I ever catched, but if ya look real close, it's a fish. Can't wait to get down to the coast and catch me up some eat'n fish....the spotted sea trout, my favorite eat 'em up fish from salt water. My favorite fresh water fish is a toss up between the rainbow trout and the bluegill. Yum 'em both.

Gonna talk me forever to get catch up on all the blogs once I get settled somewheres. That's still the problem....don't know where I want to go. Once I get down the road a piece I can decide on one of 3 or 10 choices. It's hell not know'n where you're go'n. Anyhows, I headed that way.

More laters......

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Final update....

Well at least I hope this is a final update. I'm sick of wak'n up every morning to nuttin but clouds and cold. Time to head 'em up. Maybe tomorrow.......
Well crap.....here I am steal'n WIFI and I forgot the card thingy with the fish pic. Shoot!!!

Thursday Dec 15th

I were sit'n here, think'n ya know. We got 4 campers in the park now, plus old Grizz, the camp host. Watch'n each of the other campers is what got me to think'n bout how good I got it. The one up there in a travel trailer, he got hisself a wood'n leg or something like that. He walk funny...carry a big ol' walk'n stick. Then there one in another travel trailer what is all bend over when he walk. Hurts me to watch. The latest is an old feller what cain't hardly walk at all. Heavey set....take a whole minute or more to get in his "toad" (towed vehicle). Now out of us 4 campers, plus Grizz, there ain't but two of us what can walk a straight line.....me and Grizz. And I bitch????

Went off yesterday to do a little fish'n off'n the bank. Drove over to Rough Canyon and walks down there where Barney was catch'n fish back in bout Sept. Flung a few lures an' worms at them fish but they didn't do nuttin. So's I put on a little crank bait lure an' toss it out there. Whammm....it were a fish. That were the only one. Until I puts on a "little spook". Whammmm, it were another fish.....but he got away fore I could land him. Bout the same size the first one....maybe 3 pounder or so. That was it, no more fish. But I had me a good time....that what counts.

Me and Minnisota Mike was gonna go fish'n this morn'n, but he never show his face. No phone call...no nuttin. Probably cause of all the clouds and such. Still a mite chilly too. Maybe tomorrow.

Now I'm get'n road fever again. Time to move. Sure would like to go straight to Lake Falcon, but I got business to tend to in Port Aransas and Corpus Christi. Yeah, it don't matter if'n ya retired or not, there's still business to tend to. No, not monkey business. Although I have been hanker'n for a beer at one them beer joints down that way. Play a few games of pool. Dance with the ladies. You know what I'm talk'n bout. Boot scoot'n Texas two step. But hell, I ain't got no boots no more. Gave 'em away to a little barefoot Mexican kid a while back.

Saturday Dec 17th

Now listen here feller, I jist come in off the range round'n up a hunnert head of cattle what I gonna drive up to Wichytaw. Been hunkered down out there in that chaperal for the last 2 weeks eat'n jerkey an' hardtack....wash'n it down with steam'n hot Arbuckle. Ain't had no time to take a bath, so don't be mak'n no snide remarks that I smell like a goat herder. Them's are fight'n words feller, so go fer your hog any time ya feel lucky.

Boy howdy, this weather is got to the old Billy Bob. Been read'n them old Louis L'amour westerns till I was think'n I was turn back time. It's too derned uncomfortable to go outside and sit on "da porch" sip'n a cup, so's I been sit'n inside go'n insane. Work on that old piece of dead wood I was tell'n ya bout a while back what I picked up somewheres and it's look'n pretty good. Although, it still looks like an old piece of wood. I wrote a poem bout an old piece of wood one time. Good'ern too. Maybe I can find it in my collection of poems, drawings and writings. Wrote one bout a fish'n spot I knowed, called "My Secret Hole". It were magazine quality but I never send it off to be published. Maybe one day I'll post 'em on here. That is if I can find them.

Guess I'll be pull'n out of here tomorrow since I finally catched me up a fish big enough for a photo. Done give up on my batteries since there ain't been no sunshine in a couple weeks. I'll resume my investigation when I find a place to plant myself where the sun shines down on me. But I just know I gonna be buy'n new batteries before it's all over.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Thursday Dec 8th

Whoa boy howdy, it's still cold in Del Rio. Here's what I'm think'n....it's gonna get warmer....maybe. With no internet I have no way to check the weather forecast so all I can do is walk outside and say...."yup, still cold". Don't ya just hate winter???

That old blue eyed cat.
I arrived in Twentynine Palms, Ca. in the year of 1954. Stay'n with the filks of my dads 4th wife. Up the road a piece from where I was stay'n, there lived this lady what collected stray cats. Kept 'em in a fenced in pen out back under the trees. Had must'a been bout 20 or 30 of 'em. They wanted me to come stay at their house and help care for the cats, feed 'em an' such. Being a 13 year old, I were excited as all get out for a new adventure. I pack up my little ditty bag and move in. I was a orphen boy ya know, kick around from place to place.

Inside she had this house cat what didn't like nobody, not even his own self. Walk round through the house hiss'n, growl'n an' smack'n stuff for no reason. He watch me with his evil eye. One day I picks up a broom and start sweep'n the floor an' here come the cat fly'n round the corner...he attack that broom....all puff up, hiss'n, growl'n and bite'n that broom like it were a Burger King Whopper or something. I says...."Whoa, that one mean cat". So's I "pops" him a good'un with that broom, full backswing...hunnert yard drive. He take off like a lightning bolt up under the couch mak'n God awful weird sounds. This was the beginning of a "cat and mouse" game. Every time I pick up that broom, here he come out from under that couch or around the corner....hiss'n an' growl'n....bite'n at that broom. So's I pops him....part of the game ya know. This went on for a couple weeks....puff up, hiss, growl, bite'n at that broom an' I pops him a good'un. What else could I do, it was his game ya know.

One morning I were headed off cross the liv'n room to the kitchen for something to eat. That old blue eye cat come tear'n round the corner like his tail was afire. Grabs holt to my leg with both arms, toenails dig'n in, teeth bared. He were work'n my leg over a good'un. I were  kick'n try'n to get that damn cat off'n my leg and holler'n like I been attack by a mountain lion. Out from the kitchen come the lady of the house....broom in hand....scream'n all kind of cuss'n words at that cat. She whoop'ed up on that cat blow after blow with that broom. That old cat see he was in trouble an' heads for the back door, go right through the screen door like it weren't even there. Then he sit out there on the porch dare'n me to come outside.....all puff up an' hiss'n. I were skeered that cat. He was a mean one, I mean to tell ya. A week later, that cat was gone....pooof, just like that. 

Saturday Dec. 10th.....

Well shoot, I still ain't catch no fish. Me and "Minisota Mike" went out yesterday think'n it were gonna warm up by the time we got to the other side the lake. Forget that, it were cold....50 degs. On the way back, we run that fish'n boat slap agound, dead in the water. Nuttin but rocks under us. Hell, I ain't gonna spend the night out here am I? Well hell no. I gonna walk. But Mike beat me to it. He jump out the boat an' start push'n....right off that stick up we was in.

Oh, did I tell ya it been rain'n? Yep, been do'n it all day long. And it's cold outside. Almost make me pack up an' head south. But wait a minute, the rain has always stopped and maybe this is a good thing.

Ok, now I'm need'n some technical advice. Ya see, I got battery problems. When I wakes up in the mornings, by batteries are down to 12.20 volts or less. Ain't got nuttin turned on neither. I'm think'n I may have one bad battery, but what the hell do I know? I should know though with all the batteries I screwed up in my lifetime. My poor old uncle used to say..."Billy, did you use the battery out of the truck"? Well yeah, how else I gonna crank up my old jalopy what the battery ain't no good. Boy howdy, I could tell ya some battery stories right now, but I'll wait for a better day.

Sunday Dec. 11th.....

Well crap, it's still ugly outside. I were think'n today would be nice since yesterdsay sucked....rain and all. Now I got some think'n to do. Today is the day I got to make a decision. Do I pack up and head south, or do I pay another $14 for another week of camp'n?

Last night I were think'n bout "the rest of my life"....what I gonna do with it and all that stuff. Ya already know I want to find a new homebase. Somewhere's where I'm comfortable and of course, close to a Walmart. I were think'n real hard bout this and there really ain't no place I wanna to go. I feel like I'm bout wore slap out. What I probably am. Maybe I need to go fish'n an' catch me up a big ol' bass. That would make me feel better.

Old "pesky neighbor" Wayne came through his heart surgery with fly'n colors. Still don't know what they did to him, but he's in recovery and do'n fine. But....they fount a couple plugged up arteries what they gonna fix next, so he gonna be at the hospital for a while...and then off to rehab again.

Monday Dec 11th.....

Well boy howdy, this weather in Del Rio sucks. I waked up this morn'n think'n I was gonne see some sunshine. It ain't no different from what it was yesterday. Drizz'n rain, cloudy and cold. You do consider 50 degs cold, right? Been like this long enough. I'm ready for some sunshine and 70 plus temps.

Well I decided I were gonna stay right here in Del Rio for another 7 days, just to see what would happen. Ain't no new news to speak of other than I have way too much idle time on my hands to do some think'n. Boy howdy that think'n too much can get ya in troube some times. Not that I'm in trouble or anything like that, buy damn, my mind is all mess up now. I were sit'n there on the couch an' look around at "da house". What can I do to change stuff and make it more comfortable? Then I got to think'n...."why". There ain't a thing needs changed and I'm comfortable just like it is. Then I got to think'n....open another business. Why? I'm too old for that kind of stuff. Don't need no money and to waste what little time I got left don't make good sense. Sheesh, I can hardly walk as it is and I'm gonna start up another business??? Don't think so. How bout I just lay back and enjoy what I'm do'n? Even if I don't catch no fish.

Ok.....I'm off to town for some WIFI so's I can post all this nonsense. Been a while ya know.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cold and stiff

Tuesday Dec. 6th

This may be long.....

Boy howdy let me tell ya, it cold. Just last night I says..."Billy Bob, put that other big ol' blanket on the bed". Slept like a baby with Sadie Mae all balled up under the covers with me. When I got up I says...."Boy howdy let me tell ya, it cold". It were 33 degs outside and not much better inside. Ya see, I don't use heat while I'm sleep'n. That's a waste of propane to keep "da house" warm when you're under covers. Fire up the generator for my morn'n coffee, two electric heaters crank'n full bore and the Mr Heater on full blast. It warm up pretty quick like.

Then here come "Michigan Mike" huff'n an' puff'n down the road. This is the guy what says 55 degs is hot and he ready to go fish'n. Ha....not this old bird. Anyhows, he ran out of batteries early this morn'n....pooof, nuttin. He done broke camp and headed off to the RV park for the next month. Silly man....don't he know he in Texas? It gonna be warm tomorrow, or something like that. So here I sit, all by myself, with no neighbors to pester. Unless ya want to consider "Grizz" the park host or what ever ya call him. It's a lonely life being retired with nuttin to do.

Speak'n of nuttin to do, I got to think'n this morn'n...on my second cup 'o. "What the hell ya gonna do now Billy Bob"? I were look'n at the map, Walmart special ya know, and there ain't no place I want to go. That it's warm anyhows. Were think'n maybe run over to Galveston/Texas City for a couple weeks, but put that out of my mind real quick like. Although, I could go camp on the Texas City dike for free, or ya used to could....maybe catch me up a couple speckled trout fishes for dinner. More an' likely I'll just head off to Port Aransas, spend a chunk of change for a couple weeks of liv'n on the beach, get all bent out of shape at all the "winter Texans" driv'n 10 mile a hour gawk'n at stuff an' ask'n stupit questions. Tourist towns suck.

The old blue eyed cat.
Yesterday I had written bout the old blue eyed cat. After reading it, I decided it contained too much personal information about old Billy Bob....so it has been deleted for a later date. Just to keep ya interested though, I still carry some the scars where that mean ass cat bite the hell out me.

Wednesday Dec. 7th

Do ya know what cold is? Well let me tell ya. I got up at 5am to do what most old folks do at that hour and checks the outside temp. It were 22 degs. So's I jumps back under the covers and go back to sleep in anticipation it gonna be warmer when I get up. Yup, it surely was. It were 26 degs outside and 34 degs inside at 8am.

But the cold temps are only part of my problems. I hook up the battery charger to my battery bank and the voltage go up to 14.97 volts at 40 amps charge. Inverter start sing'n a tune bout "voltage too high" or something like that. That ain't right. Today, if'n I don't go fish'n is to check out my battery charger on the "that jeep" battery. If the voltage still goes that high, then the battery charger has bit the dust. If not, then I have a "bad" battery bank problem. Will let ya know the results when it's warm enough to go outside.

Ok, went out there in the freez'n cold and check my battery charger on "that jeep". It bit the dust for sure....15.2 volts.

Talk to old "pesky neighbor" Wayne last night. He will be going to surgery friday morning. They fount something wrong with his heart and they gonna try to fix it like they done mine a while back. He also tole me that Deming got 5 inchs of snow....and there's a peacock run'n round the park. I ain't never seen no peacocks in Deming.

Crank up "da house an' head 'em up to town. Out of propane. Went first to Walmart for a brand spank'n new battery charger.....and they ain't got one like the one I gonna replace (Black and Decker 40 amp smart charger). I have a couple 12 amp chargers so I ain't in no worry bout the new one. So....I pick up a couple bags of dog food and head on down to the propane sell'n place.
Well I hope they are only out to lunch and will be back shortly. In the mean time, I'm mak'n this post from their front yard.

If'n tomorrow is a nice day, I should be out on the lake catch'n me up a big ol' bass fish. Ha....that's funny, ain't catch one yet.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Catch'n up....

Friday Dec. 2, 1922

Ok, where have all the days gone? I know I missed yesterday and there's a possibility I may miss today too. It's not like I have internet any ol' time I want it. I got to go downtown for that.

Anyhows, yesterday (thursday) started out as a dreary nasty day. It was cold and windy up till bout 3pm or so. And I was out there on the lake fish'n with my neighbor buddy Mike in his big ol' bass boat. Well it ain't really a bass bout, but we was bass fish'n. Catch a fish??? Well hell no I didn't catch no fish. If I had, I would be called a "catcherman", not a "fisherman".

Today totally sucks. It stayed warm all night with the clouds hold'n the heat in from escaping to the moon, or where ever it goes at night. Got up to 54 degs this morning (friday), what ain't bad at all. But it ain't change all day long. It's still 54 degs....give or take a couple. I think more of the same is expected for tomorrow.

When I go off to town to make this post, somebody remind me to write MsB's phone number down....OK??? It's in my email and I can't get to my email without internet.

Ain't got nuttin to say. Wait for tomorrow.
What's her name came by for a short visit. Ya see, I were cut'n up some taters to fry and I see something out the corner my eye. "What the hell was that"? Someone was sneak'n up on my camp....tak'n pics an' stuff. It were our MsB. Sure do make old Billy Bob feel good when someone come to visit.

Sunday.....December 4th
HUH??? Was I supposed to go to town and find some WIFI??? I ain't gonna do it.
It was a terrible day. Windy, rain and cold.

Monday December 5th....
Well shoot, here it is another week already. Figgered I would stay another week in hopes of catch'n me up a big ol' bass fish, what I ain't done yet. I knows they out there 'cause Minnisota Mike is been catch'n 'em one right after the other.  But then he's on the front of the boat and everybody knows there ain't no fish behind the boat. If there is, I sure ain't fount one.

Been rough, I mean to tell ya, rough, with no internet. Kind of remind me of these young kids what plays all them computer games online. "Oh my god, what I gonna do now...internet down". I remember a time way back before internet when we had to devise instruments of destruction...an' stuff like that, to entertain ourselves. We played outside....rain or shine. Now what do we do? Sit in front of a computer writ'n silly stuff while the TV is blar'n in the background. Don't know bout the rest of ya, but old Billy Bob spend bout 4 hour a day on the internet...research'n, writ'n blogs, email,....silly stuff when I should be outside soak'n up sunshine an' catch'n fish.

Which brings me back to what I been harp'n on for the last 2 years....."I can't do that stuff no more". Boy howdy, does that piss me off when I think how active I used to be. And that ain't been very long ago neither. Ya see, I get me a wild hair and decide I gonna go climb that mountain over there. I goes out and buy me all kind of mountain climb'n stuff, drive to the bottom the mountain and ....pooof, there go that grand idea. Cain't do it.

Me and Mike been talk'n bout run'n down to Zapata, Texas when we leave here. Maybe not together, but none the less, it's an idea.

Ok, it's off to town and find me some WIFI. Well naturally, hit up Walmart for some fish'n stuff.
See all my blog friends on the next trip to town. Have a good'un folks.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fount WIFI

Wednesday Nov. 29, 2011

Well yesterday was a nice day for put'n miles on "Sally da house", but I didn't have very far to go. Arrived at Pedro Springs campground right on the dot, 12:30pm. Well that ain't really the name of the place, but it's something like that. Pay up $10 for the next 5 days of camp'n. Park same site I had last trip....only 'cause of the tree.

Got camp all set up, a pot of coffee brew'n an' sit'n out under a tree. Here come a neighbor feller hobbl'n down the road twords my camp. "Howdy, my name's Mike from Michigan". We sit out there under the tree jaw'n bout fish'n an' camp'n, kids an' grankids for the next 30 or 45 minutes. He says "let's go fish'n". Ya see he gots a fish'n boat an' his wife don't like fish'n. Well old Billy Bob ain't go'n out in no boat today. I got things to do. Side that, I got to do some think'n bout this situation. Mike is 100% disabled retired Air Force, so that mean Billy Bob got to do all the back break'n work of get'n that boat in the water. I'm think'n, I'm think'n.

Come bout 3pm I says to myself..."let's go fish'n". Me and Sadie Mae load up "that jeep" an' head off to the fish'n grounds for some bank fish'n....and her pee'n on rocks an' bushes. First place we go, I ain't catch a fish yet. Damn ducks all over the place. Weeds in the water. Nuttin. So's we head up the road a piece where I was catch'n great big ol' fish the last trip. Nope, not a damn fish in there neither. Water is crystal clear...see all the ways to the bottom. Ok, where at is my fish? "Ya need a boat Billy Bob".

See a couple kayak fellers out there paddle round, but never see them catch no fish neither.

Well, it were off to Walmart for some camp'n supplies. Picks me up a few fish'n stuff thingys an's some groceries what I was out of. Gonna be mak'n a pot of chili today since it's chilly out. Was 37 degs outside an a nippy 54 inside this morn'n. Now that's get'n downright cold in my book.

Mike come by just bout time coffee was done. He say..."don't want no stink'n coffee, want to go fish'n". He went out yesterday afternoon while I was rock climb'n an' shopp'n. Caught him up another 5 pound'er right close to camp. Damn!!! Now tomorrow he talk'n him an' me go out an' do some fish'n in his big ol' bass boat. I cain't hardly pass up a deal like that can I? You knows how long it been since the old Billy Bob catch a bass that big?

Don't EVER leave a pot of chili simmer'n while ya take a nap. Runed it, but I gonna eat it anyhows.....black stuff an' all.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Where I at????

Boy howdy, is it ever confusing when ya wake up and don't know where you at. Last night I wake up a bunch a times wonder'n why people was in my yard. But they weren't. I don't have a yard no more. It's back there bout 475 miles. I think anyone that travels have this same feeling when you're half asleep an' see a big ol' truck park next to ya what wasn't there when ya went to sleep. Or maybe it's just me.

Don't know how today is gonna turn out. Right now I ain't ready to hit the road quite yet, but then I ain't drunk up a whole pot of coffee yet.

Ya know what really gripes me? Old historical buildings. Here I are sit'n in Judge Roy Beans front yard and right across the street sits one of his rivals old grocery stores.

Last year it was in bad shape from lack of proper maintenance by historical organizations or locals in the community. This year, it is ready for the bulldozers to scrape it up and haul off to the dump.

Last year......

This year.....
It's gone, only two standing walls.....gone, Pooof, just like that.
Across the street is another very old building, board and batten bout to fall down. Has America lost all of it's historical pride? These old buildings is the history of bygone years. Fix the damn things before they are ALL gone.

Ok, here's the deal. My Verizon card don't work no more, so I have to depend on WIFI anywheres I can steal it. If there's no blog post, ya know old Billy Bob ain't got no internet. Next stop is Del Rio, Texas, and there ain't no internet there as you remember from a couple months back when me and Barney was camp'n out there. Why would the biggest internet provider not have towers in Del Rio? Maybe time to switch providers???

Look'n like I might get in some fish'n at Lake Amistad if'n the weather holds out. Supposed to be in the upper 60's to lower 70's for the next week or so. Catch me up some them big ol' bass fishes if'n I can remember where Barney took me. Don't know how long I'll be camped at the lake, but you can be certain I'm gonna have me some fun.  Might be a good time to brew up a pot of Billy Bob chili....huh?

Holy Crap, I'm out of eggs. Milk is sour. Where the grocery store??? Ain't got no donuts neither.....damn. MsB.....help!!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

What??? 24 degs

Boy howdy....it's freak'n cold in Texas. I got up 6am MST an' says..."WHOA"!!! Cranks up the heater, starts the generator for a pot of coffee and finds me a coat.

I were sit'n there last night look'n at my Walmart Rand McNally GPS and says to myself..."hey, you can't get there if'n ya don't go through Sanderson". That's an inside joke that most of ya won't get. Ya see, Sanderson is on US-90 and I'm on I-10. In order to get to Del Rio from I-10 I got to go south to pick up US-90 . And since I posted yesterday that I weren't go'n through Sanderson because I was go'n on to Ft. Stockton before head'n south, well guess what? I'm go'n through Sanderson. DUH!!! Is that clear in everyones mind now?

Yesterday when that big ol' diesel pusher (that's a motorhome with the motor in the back) passed me do'n a hunnert mile a hour, I thought, "what's his hurry"? I ain't jok'n, he was over the speed limit of 80 mile a hour by at least 10. He were smok'n. And that put my mind to think'n. The guy owns a big expensive diesel powered motorhome. He's probably retired. He don't got to go to work tomorrow. What's his hurry? Then I notice there ain't no cars behind me. They all way up the road a piece....do'n a hunnert mile a hour. Speed limits were increased 'cause everybody was driv'n 10 mile a hour over the the old speed limit. Now they driv'n 10 mile a hour over the new speed limits. Does that make sense? What's the damn hurry???

Well it's about that time. Put some miles behind me. If'n my calculation is right, I should arrive in Langtry (Judge Roy Beans Place) at exactly 3:45 this afternoon. Hope to hell it ain't cold there too.

Well here I am down the road a piece, but had to pull over. Started feel'n a bit dizzy so looked for this wonderful rest area. Will sit here till I feel it's safe to get back on the road. Must'a been something I ate.

Been hav'n a wind for the last 2 hour, but it's been out of the southwest. That's good. Save a little gas and go a hunnert mile a hour with no problem. 60 mile a hour is my limit. Would rather go 55 but "Sally da house" don't like that. She rarin to go.  But 60 is a good safe and enjoyable speed for an old homeless sightseer like me.

Ya don't find a whole lot out here in west Texas to take pics of, unless ya get your nose down close to the ground. So don't expect many or any pics for a while.....I ain't stick'n my nose in no dirt where I might find a "doogie doodle" lay'n there. I learn a long time ago ya don't go barefooted where cats take a poop.  That some nasty stuff com'n up between your toes. You didn't want to hear that did ya??? But that's old Billy Bob.

3:45 MST

Well did I tole ya so or not. Pull into Judge Roy's front yard at exactly 3:40. He were sit'n on "da porch" an's says...."Welcome Billy Bob, been a long time. Pull up a chair an' lets BS a bit. Coffee's on the stove". That old Roy is sumptin else remember me after all this time an' remember my favorite drink. Well, it weren't exactly like that, but I'm here in Lantry, Texas....right on schedule. Hooked up to WIFI....don't know if I have a Verizon signal. Ain't tried it.

Damn it hot. Must be bout 80 something out there. Hit a bunch of wind headed south. Hit me right in the nose. For those what ain't never see a motorhome before, their nose look like one then peekanese dogs....flat face and go'n against the wind with a flat face is like swim'n against the flow of the Mississippi River. Or something like that. It's hard, that all I know.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

24 hour countdown

Boy howdy, here it is what looks like a beautiful day. Sunshine bear'n down, temp go'n up and no wind at all. This would be a great day for travel. But it ain't gonna happen today. What can be done tomorrow can be put off today.

Let  me tell ya bout cold. I were sit'n there on the couch last night an' I were cold all over. Was only down to 34 degs outside, but even with two heaters on full bore, it was cold inside. Or I thought it was. Then when I got up this morn'n to 24 degs outside, the inside was nice and cozy. Now how comes???

Did you see......they was expect'n a freeze in Del Rio this morn'n? What the hell? That where I go'n. Planned to stay there a few days. Play in the water. Catch me up some fish an' stuff. Take MsB to Taco Bell for a full course Mexican dinner. Gonna have to do some investigating bout this weather situation on my way to south Texas. Dang!!!

When I get into Texas bout 200 mile or so, I'm gonna be losing my internet connection. We already know it don't work in Del Rio and for a hunnert mile in every direction. So it look like old Billy Bob's Place is gonna be shut down for a few days. At Judge Roy Beans place (Langtry, Texas) I can get on WIFI, but after that, I'm screwed for internet until I get closer to San Antone. What the hell am I gonna do with no internet? Scary thought.

Ain't nuttin to do today other than lay back an' wait for tomorrow. Fill the fresh water tank with some this good water, drain the black water tank an' hook up "that jeep". That bout it. Gonna give my neighbors my Port Aransas address so's they can watch my mail to send to me. Pay the "old man" for this months electric. Then I'm out of here. Texas bound....Yee Ha....y'all.

Well old Billy Bob couldn't wait till tomorrow. May as well do today what ya was gonna do tomorrow. I'm out of here in just a few minutes. Well more like 30. Should arrive my sleep'n an' camp'n spot right bout 7 or 8pm....just other side of Van Horn at the Texas Rest and Rv Resort on Interstate 10.
See ya down the road a piece.

Boy howdy is Billy Bob mak'n time or what. I'm 50 miles into Texas an' ain't been slow down for nuttin. Shoot right through El Paso at 60 mile a hour. Bout 95 miles to the next destination....Van Horn. Hope I can sneak in and out there with out go'n to jail.
Here what I'm think'n. I'll sleep on the side the road tonight an' get up bright and early tomorrow and head down the road to Judge Roy Beans Place. Ain't go'n through Sanderson, so get that out your mind. I'll continue on I-10 to Ft. Stockton an' then head south to highway 90. Does that make sense? It do to me 'cause I'm look'n at the map.

WHAT???? No Taco Bell in Del Rio???  That be OK, I know a good little eat'em up right up the street from Walmart. Ask Barney, good food. Since there is no way to communicate when I lose my internet signal, I'll just say I'll be in Del Rio sometime tuesday and be hungry on wednesday. Cain't hardly miss that way.

Yeah, where the hell is Butterbean? He may be hang'n out with an old buddy mine name of "Cornbread". I know where Sue is at. She back there in New Mexico get'n a brand spank'n new solar panel.....and freez'n her tail off.

Ok....got things to do.....see ya down the road a piece.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Love for Texas

Before I get to involved in some off the wall nonsense this morn'n, I want to thank everyone for yesterdays comments. Some gave me reason for thought and others gave me reason to "splain" myself better.

I'm not overly excited in no way about head'n south to Texas, what is actually east, and I'm not at all excited with stay'n in Deming neither. This move has been on the front burner for over two years now and what's cook'n is a combination of likes and dislikes. Granted, I love the desert and what it offers in beauty and seclusion from the masses (big cities). But I love Texas too. I may not be a native Texan, born an' raised there, but when almost half your life is spent in a glorious state like Texas, you is a Texan. Some may disagree, but ...."bite me"!!!

When ya live in a motorhome full time, or any rv far as that go,  that is your home. Where ever you park, you are home. Well maybe not a Walmart parking lot. But then ya get older an' traveled out. Ya get to think'n. Think'n can be a dangerous proposition ya know. My thoughts are "where do ya want to be when ya can't do this no more"? Texas comes to mind.

In 1987 when I crossed the border of Texas from that God awful West Va., I stopped my old VW bus, kissed the ground and vowed to never leave again. Yes damn it, I did a lip lock with Texas. That's when 'Norman' got loose an' hid in the bushes. Damn cat. I broke my vow in 2005 even though my mail, "da house" registration, voter registration, driver license, insurance and my "love of Texas" is still in Texas. Now I'm go'n back.

As far as boondocking with solar, I can do that in Texas as well as anywhere else. Granted, there is no BLM public lands in Texas to boondock on for free, but I had never intended to boondock year round when I first installed solar. Solar works anywhere there is sunshine. Free camping is anywhere you happen to find it.....not only desert. Solar just broadens your camping abilities.

I know somebody gonna ask me "Who's Norman". While I was in W.Va., I fount this big black cat lay'n upside down on his back, fight'n for his life, while another cat was steady whoop'n up on him good. Norman had no defense, some sorry cruel human had had him declawed. Rip his claws out with a pair of channel locks. So old Billy Bob pick him up an' take him home right now.....just like that. Doctor him up an' feed him pork chops an' stuff. Norman turned out to be one of the most loving cats I ever see. He would hug ya just like a little child would do. Wrap both arms round my neck an' lay his head on my shoulder. In Texas Norman took to his new home with gusto. He were a happy cat. In the mean time, I had leased a small apartment complex of 8 units. Rented apartment 'A' to a Chinese couple. Norman come up miss'n a month later, never to be seen again.....pooof, gone, just like that. Bastards ate my cat, but I couldn't prove it.

Talk to old "pesky" the other day. They had to work on him all night long for low blood pressure. He has come to the realization that he may not be coming home again. But on the brighter side, he challenged me to a round of golf next year when I come to visit.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Go'n Home....

In 1972 I left Texas during hard times for a better job and adventure in the big City of Atlanta. Ga. When I climbed off that Greyhound bus, tool boxes in tact, my clothes in a little brown paper bag, I says "WHOA!!!!" I had been to Houston on many occasions, but this is Atalanta....it's huge. Got a little apartment and went to work immediately.Think it was $8 a hour or something like that. Opened a small construction business (renovation, systems repair, painting, roofing and plumbing).

As time passed, things got tight....with the divorce and all. Loaded up my tools and headed north to West by God Virginia. Don't even ask why. Now you talk bout being stuck in some God forsaken far off corner of the world, this was it. Weren't nuttin but "hill billy's" everywheres ya look. One leg was shorter than the other. Even the wimmins had a chunk of "chew" in their cheeks. Opened a refrigeration business (Servico Refrigeration) due to the shortage of English speaking service people (these were hill billy's ya know). In 1980, I was hospitalized from an accident and spent the next 6 months living on the floor. This was the start of the back problems I have today. It was all down hill from there. This cost me a very productive and lucrative ($$$) business. 

In 1987 it was time to move on. Headed back to Texas....Port Aransas matter of fact. Started up another refrigeration business and within a years time I was hired by The University of Texas, where I worked for the next 15 years. Gave up the refrigeration business and was think'n retirement in my latter years.

With the sale of my boat and what little I had saved up in a old dirty sock, I bought my first motorhome..."Alice". Made a few runs around Texas before my retirement in Jan., 2002. Stay'n close to home ya know.

After retirement, longer trips were made between California, Missouri and Georgia with Port Aransas as homebase.. Right bout 6,000 mile a year or therebouts. In 2004 after the sale on my stick house in San Antone, I traded "Alice" for a brand spank'n new 35 foots mansion...or so I thought. Great big Chevylay 8.1 vortec engine, 4 speed Allison tranny, dual exhaust romp'n stomp'n hot rod. Go a hunnert mile a hour. Hit the roads to places unknown. Deming being one of my favorite stops, I planted my roots here in 2005. Don't ask why. Convenience and cheap is probably the only real honest answer. Although, I do love the desert.

Now I'm go'n back home.....TEXAS. Now don't be sit'n there think'n that I'm all excitis bout this move, 'cause I ain't. I ain't young no more. I think things out, unlike what I used to do. This is a stressful move for an old cogger like me, not know'n where the hell I'm gonna end up. I think "that's all I have to say bout that" (GUMP) right now.

Rain set in yesterday afternoon. I ain't talk'n a little rain, I'm talk'n rain all night long....an' still rain'n. Last I hear, 1 3/4 inches. Let'er rain, I ain't go'n no where today no hows. Holy crap, my batteries are low, ain't got no sunshine and I ain't go'n out there in the rain to hook up the battery charger. No....the converter is disconnected...for those what know what a converter is (a device that converts 115 volts to 12 volts for charging dead batteries and 12 volt supply to "da house"). Two fuses Billy Bob, that all ya got to do....two fuses.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgobblin

Boy howdy, seems just like yesterday I was sit'n at the "slabs" brew'n up a big ol' pan of brown sugared marshmellered sweet taters. Candied yams to some ya.....but they ain't yams, they sweet taters.
Some of ya probably have no idea what I'm talk'n when I mention "slabs". If'n ya wanna take a few minutes, just Google slab city one time. Boy howdy, then ya gonna know.
I were look'n round "da house" last night an' there ain't nuttin anywheres I look that matches my brand spank'n new couch. It's a sore thumb. But let's back up for a minute, it ain't a embarrassment like it used to be. I'm too old to worry bout simple things like what freak'n color it is. For Dizzy.....cameras don't always record what the eye sees. With the sunshine, yesterdays photo changed the color from a light tan/brown to a beautiful pumpkin color. I can live with that.

Everybody by now know old Billy Bob gonna change design of stuff. Where do you store all your can goods? If'n ya got a house, ya put them in a freak'n pantry/closet thingy. But if'n ya live in a RV, ya put them anywheres they will fit. Well, I change design of a perfectly good couch to alleviate the can goods problem. A couple cabinet magnets and slide lock thingys and there ya have it. A hunnert pound can goods under there.
NOTE: This is not a political post.
I were watch'n that special on PBS last night. All them singers at a Thanksgiving gathering at the White House or somewheres like that. I done fall head over hill in love with one them ladies what was sing'n to me. Had goose bumps an' all that stuff. Then when it was over, that damn Obama feller get up an' kiss her right on the cheek. What the hell wrong with that guy go'n round kiss on other wimmins? He got his own woman.

I were gonna go in to work this morn'n, but the damn alarm clock got dead batteries. So I just call in sick. No I ain't sick. Feel perty good matter fact. I'm think'n if the sun ever come out, I can get me in a couple hours of "do'n something". Get this rig ready to pull out. Texas bound. Catch me up some fish. Crank up some sounds an' lay on the beach. Vacation in south Texas. Yeah boy howdy, I'm ready....in my mind. I might just make it before the end of the month. What's that.....6 days???

Do ya ever talk to yourself? I ain't talk'n bout in your mind, I'm talk'n out loud to yourself....and then answer yourself. I do that ya know. Have some perty good conversations too. Damn Sadie Mae won't talk to me. All she do is sit there staring at me like "HUH, you talk'n to me"? Now I don't know if talk'n to yourself is normal or not, but it sure do help in mak'n important decisions....hav'n someone else to talk to ya know.

Ok, enough of this nonsense. Got things to do.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving y'all.

YEE HAA!!!! Old Billy Bob is got all his junk load up an ready to roll. I look out there all all the stuff I gonna leave behind an' only one thing breaks my heart...."da porch". That old porch has been a part of me for the last 6 years. Many BS sessions out there on that porch. Many hours of sit'n there in my old easy chair sip'n a cup an' do'n some mighty fine think'n. When ya build something with your own two hands, it becomes like a extra arm grow'n right out the middle your chest. Well, not really an arm. That would look silly as hell walk'n round with three arms. But ya know what I'm talk'n bout.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My couch.....is back

Well it's almost back. pholstery guy just call and it's on the way.....Yeee Ha!!! Damn, wisht I could remember what material I ordered. Probly gonna look like a sore thumb, but what the hell, I need my "nap couch" back.
Well, here it are. Could'a swore I ordered orange.

Member what is used to look like....

What does a retired RV'n feller eat on Thanksgiving? It ain't like I can eat a whole damn turkey or nuttin like that ya know. Well, let me tell ya what this old retired RV'n guy think bout holiday eats. He don't. It's just another day....you know balony samitch, a boiled egg an' some Doritos....or something like that. Also, when ya hit that 70 year old mark, food ain't inportant no more. Everything taste the same, so it don't matter if it's a scrumptious perfectly prepared 10 course dinner or just an old chunk of lunch meat and a couple slabs of bread.  Anything to fill an empty hole.....an' make a poopie pie.

Ok, got that couch all back together....had to put the hardware on the front bottom piece so's I can put all my can goods under there. The real test will come soon as I eat me up a samitch....nap time.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Late??? Who me?

Dang nab it an' all that stuff. So here we are. Another wasted day in the Billy Bob household.  I just ain't got no "git up an' go". Been drink up a gallon coffee try'n to get all jumpy, nerves on end....super charge....if'n ya know what I mean. Well, that ain't work'n neither. All I wanna do is sit on my butt look'n at stuff what needs to be done, scratch my head and say "tomorrow".  Ya ever have one them days??? Think I need more coffee to get me back on the right track?

How long does it take to upholster a freak'n couch? I need that thing really bad. Been tak'n naps on the bed and sleep for 3 hour at a time. That ain't a nap. That a full night sleep.....when ya add up how many naps I been tak'n. I think I done catch me some that 'sleep'n sickness' stuff, or something like that, what goes around every winter. How do ya tell a doctor you're sleepy? 

Ain't really got much more stuff to put back in "da house". Then what I gonna do with all the stuff I gonna leave behind? I hate to just let it lay in the yard. Neighbor Mark will take most the good stuff, but I'm talk'n bout lumber, pieces of pipe, concrete blocks, old batteries, jugs of used oil......good redneck stuff.

At any rate, I still have 8 days to get out of town before hav'n to pay for another months rent ( $125 ) on the homestead. I don't like rush'n into things that can be done tomorrow....as everyone knows, but end of month is get'n too close for comfort. "Damn Billy Bob, what ya been do'n all this time"???

Monday, November 21, 2011

Shrimps an' shrimp'n....

Oh boy, what I gonna write about today? Words are get'n purty scarce round ol' Billy Bob's Place. In the last two years, I done bout said it all.

Holy crap, I done did it now. Yesterday was an absolutely beautiful day an' all I done was lay round "do'n nuttin", think'n I would jump out of bed tomorrow morn'n (today) brite an' early, grab me a cup, punch the clock and enter the salt mines. Ha, well guess what? There ain't no freak'n sunshine, it's cold outside (51 degs) and it's rain'n.

Had me a excit'n dream last night...I were fish'n. What I done was to wade out to the second bar on the beach down Port Aransas way wear'n me a pair of chest waders. Them the ones that if'n ya tip over, they gonna fill up with water....ya gonna sink to the bottom an' drown for sure. I were catch'n one fish right after the other. Big 'uns too. That when here come a great big wave, bout the size a tsunami what flop me round every way but loose. Next thing I knowed I were lay'n on the beach with some bikini clad young lady giv'n me French resuscitation with her tongue. It worked....believe it or not.

Did I ever tell ya bout the time??? I were a shrimp boat captain ya know. Own my own 40 foots boat an' all that stuff. Look kind of like this one.
 Like Forrest Gump say...."that's my boat". Well we had just brung in the net full of shrimps, fish, crabs and a conglomeration of tin cans, beer bottles an' a bunch other useless junk. "Let's go swim'n" I says. So I climbs up there on top the cabin an' make me a leap head first into unknown water. "Billy Bob, you are bay shrimp'n....the water is only 5 feets deep". I hit the bottom like a rock. Sinked my head right in that mud....thank God it were mud and not Sanfords junk yard. I come up out there spit'n mud....say'n all kind of cuss'n words. Almost break my fool neck. But that weren't the last time I do something stoopit. How I'm still alive to this day is astounding.

By the way, most every shrimp'n day we would bring in right at a hunnert pound of succulent shrimps along with a tub of live crabs an' some eat'n fish. But let me tell ya right now, shrimp'n ain't easy. Ya got to get up way before the sun does, hit the gas station for 55 gallon of fuel an' a hunnert pound of ice, transfer the fuel into the boat, stow the ice an' be underway at first crack of dawn. Then ya drag this big ol' net around all day long, bring it in, put it out, separate your catch, ice it down....pheeeewww....that work. And then ya finally make it back to dock, ya gotta sell all that stuff, clean the nets, wash down the boat....all before ya go home. What ya don't sell off the boat, ya gotta peddle to the restaurants round town at discount rates. In bed by 10pm if'n you're lucky.

I told this story one time before, but here it is one more time. What do ya eat on a shrimp boat? Well shrimps, what else? I got so sick of shrimp that I never wanted to see one again. I opens my lunch sack an' there they were....staring back at me....shrimps. Boiled shrimp. Fried shrimp. Shrimps prepared in every conceivable way. Yes, even shrimp hamburgers. I open that lunch sack one day an' HOLY COWS, it were a hamburger from the hamburger joint. My God, I done went to heaven.  

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Different strokes.....

Boy howdy, this get'n up cold every morn'n is get'n old. Not that I would expect anything different since this is winter for this area ya know. Think maybe it time to break out the Mr. Buddy heater? I do use electric heaters at night...one set on off and the other in high gear. Am I cheap or just economically challenged?

Done haul off another hunnert pound of stuff to the dumpster. Start'n on another load. Pick up all my tools an' stuff lay'n in the yard. Oh hell no, I ain't no wheres close to get'n done. Got most the stuff cleared off "da porch" just in case someone comes by with a fist full of dollars and a big trailer.

Gonna brew me up a batch of beef stew soup today. Been a while since I made a batch. That stuff I made the other day (hamburger, taters and noodles soup)  is bout all gone and now I'm hungry for stew soup. Don't do 3 course meals no more....make what ever in a big ol' pot an' eat on it for 3 or 4 days. Gumbo or chili will be next I rekon.

Talk to a old buddy down in south Texas this morn'n. He lives down there in the island ya know. He says the weather is beautiful. Well, I been think'n bout that beautiful weather too sit'n here with a blanket wrap round me every morn'n. The old Billy Bob is gonna be in hog heaven when he get down there....lay'n out there on da beach in a speedo, sip'n a cup and catch'n me up some fish. Don't know where exactly I gonna end up for the winter, but it don't really make no matter....long's it don't snow.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Rough days ahead

Boy howdy old Billy Bob is got some think'n to do. The other day when I said I'm "skeered", I was serious as a second hand on a clock. Don't know what I'm gonna do.

Ya see, it's like this.....onest ya get settled in one place as long as I been homestead'n in Deming, it ain't easy to just pack up and head off into rough seas in a little blow up "bubba boat", look'n for an island paradise. It takes a toll on the mind, what sometimes I wonder how much mind I got left. Now don't get me wrong, I know from past experience that everything gonna be all right. It just gonna take some time to get used to being homeless again. Sleep'n under bridges an' stuff like that.

I had planned to get "out of dodge" by the end of the month, but it look'n like it gonna take me longer than expected. Didn't know I had so much to do. Gonna have to go see my doc before I get out of here. Get my records and stuff like that. Still wait'n on my couch to come back to "da house". Try'n to sell "da porch". Got a ton of stuff I gotta haul off to the dumpster. Damn......

Well things ain't look'n good for old "pesky neighbor" Wayne. Latest news is he gonna be transferred to Las Cruces almost for certain. He can't walk again, even with his walker. He told me the other day he just wanted to go home and die there....not some old folks home. Will get another update sometime today. Hopefully it will be good news instead of all bad.

Had a visit from a couple ladies from my Yahoo RV Singles group. Been talk to them a long time on the group, but had never met them in person. Kind of the same as meet'n a blogger. By now they should be in Banderra, Texas where they gonna meet up with a couple more group'ers before they head off to Mt. Pleasant, Texas. Ain't life just wonderful?

Ok....head'n off to town....pick up meds and a few eatables. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Oops, miss a step...

After sit'n round all day feel'n sorry for myself an' stuff like that, I decided to attempt to find something funny to write about. Weren't a single thing funny bout yesterday to claim as an adventure or excitement...that for sure. Ya see, it were a beautiful sunshiny day, so's I climbs up there on the roof to caulk up some solar panel mount holes. Took that 'lectric  wire what was hang'n off the roof from that spare solar panel an' I throws it. Hard I could, all the ways over there in my neighbors yard. That was cool. Don't ask why I do stuff like that, 'cause I don't even know. "Oh hell Billy Bob, git to da point". Well, I were com'n back down off'n the roof an' I flat miss that last step....what is bout 3 feets from the ground. Down I come....one leg up there on a ladder rung way up there an' the other flap'n in da breezeway down here.....I'm gonna die. Land right there, in a neat little pile. Long with my bucket of tools. What the hell....did I break some my important stuff? Nope....fit as a fiddle. So I thought. I was hurt'n to the back side...land on my tail (would say ass but I'm try'n to change my image). Drag my ass back to "da pouch", sit there sip'n a cold cup an' think'n...."ya dumb ass". Well anyhows, the rest of the day was spend "do'n nuttin".

Look'n like old "pesky" Wayne will be go'n back to a rehab facility in Las Cruces. Ya see, his oxygen level is still well below safe and this hospital in Deming don't have the equipment (or know how) to deal with it. As long as he on a machine, he's fine. Take him off and he suck'n air like a fish out of water. Doubt he will be com'n back home soon.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Are ya skeered yet?

Boy howdy....I see sunshine peek'n in my winders. Been a while ya know. With the sunshine, I see work. Outside stuff. Sit on "da porch an' sip a cup....do some think'n. It's a beautiful day.

Yesterdays post turned out to be hours of fond memories of years gone by. And I had only touched the surface of my four plus years of sailing the seas. Touching the unbeknownst (not known), my mind wandered back to the torpedo incident during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Come on Google, do yer thang. Nowhere could be found that validated my story. But....to my surprise, I learned that in the same waters we were operating, were 4 Russian submarines that were carrying nuclear torpedoes. And.....with orders from Russian government officials...or what ever, the Captains were to arm and use these torpedoes at their own discretion if under attack. I didn't know that.
I caught myself up in a little lie in my post.... more research ya know. Our engineering efficiency evaluation earned us another 'red' hashmark on the stack, not a gold one. My jumping up and down was exaggerated ever so slightly. Even as a youngster of 21 years old, there was a little bit of "Billy Bob" in me.

Have ya ever been skeered? Oh, I ain't talk'n bout somebody com'n up behind ya an' scream'n at ya wheres ya jump slap out your shoes. I'm talk'n bout skeered of what the future holds for ya. Tomorrow, next week, next year....that kind of stuff. I been hang'n round Deming for so long that my feet have got roots grow'n out them. Dig'n up roots ain't easy ya know. Where am I gonna go? What am I gonna do? That what scares hell right out me. I'm gonna be alone again. Most the places I used to travel to, everybody is either dead, in old folks homes or just drifted away. I'm too old to be hang'n out in sleazy bars with little hoochie coochie girls. Although, little hoochie coockies can perk ya right up no matter how old ya are. Make ya feel young again, wanna dance, get slop ass drunk, fall down the steps an' brake a hip. "Damn Billy Bob, ya gonna do that"???

Time is get'n shorter every day. My nerves are on edge. Got so much to do. Pick them tools up. Where the hell is my couch? Dumpster run. Wash them dirty winders. Wheeeewww! Tired already...."da porch time. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A sailors life....

"Dog gone it Billy Bob, ya got to splain stuff better. You didn't go to Viet Nam, but your ship did". When ya leave half the story out, people will tend to get the wrong impression.

Ya see, old Billy Bob is pretty much a patriotic kind a guy when it come to the US of A, our military and our veterans. At times I can become downright fight'n mad when people refuse to recognize our service men and women. It was them what has kept America free for all these years.

 I had just arrived by way of a great big ol' Greyhoud bus from Ft. Worth, Texas to boot camp San Diego, Ca. in  October, 1961. We was stand'n at attention, as best we knowed how, facing old glory wav'n in the breeze. A mighty fine sight if do I say so myself. It was time for colors, the lowering of our flag at sundown, the stars and stripes. The National Anthem is played through the loud speakers, the flag slowly lowered and folded ever so neatly. I were stand'n there shak'n in my boots....tears come to my eyes....I could hardy contain myself. I were officially in the US Navy wear'n a pair of old raggedy jeans, tee shirt and long ass flow'n brown hair with highlights of the Texas sun.....what they cut slap off the next day.....right down to the skin....bald, that what I were. 

My first ship was a Forrest Sherman class destroyer out of Norfolk, Va., USS DuPont DD-941, commissioned 1957. Almost a brand spank'n new war machine.
There were some thrilling days aboard this ship. I was shipboard electrician, fix'n stuff ya know, in a crew of 318 crusty sailors. In 1962 we outfitted at Guantanamo Bay for Russian sub searching off Cuba's coast during the Cuban Crisis. It was a boring job, but someone had to do it. While tracking a submarine somewhere south of Cube we encountered a "fish" swimm'n a hunnert mile a hour right straight at us....missing our fantail within 50 feet. To this day I still believe it was a torpedo, but I think it's classified information....kept secret from public eye. All eye witnesses were questioned in the Captains quarters. It was determined at that time, this was no living ocean creature. We requested from higher authorities, the Admirals flagship, to "bring up" that sub by depth charge attack. Our request was denied by higher up in Washington DC. Go figger!!!

Steaming in single file through the Gibraltar Straights on a Mediterranean Cruise, we lost all steering control....the rudders ceased to work. Hand cranking was required and old Billy Bob was put to crank'n a manual steering device. How comes an electrician has to steer the damn ship? I check fuses an' stuff ya know.

During a yearly engineering efficiency evaluation test, I was assigned to the #1 switchboard. I knowed how to operate that switchboard like it were a part of me......knowed every switch an' breaker, parallel them generators without the blink of a light....I were good on that switchboard. But then....being I was a silly guy, I decided to be a little bit "redneck" and make a complete fool of myself. Make all them hi rank'n officers think ol' Billy Bob some kind of idiot. They says..."fire in #1 generator". That when I comes alive....jump'n up an' down, run'n round like a chicken with his head cut off...hit'n buttons, turn'n switches, hit that emergency stop steam valve....bring #1 switchboard back on line in less than 30 seconds. Allotted time was 1 minute....score 100% for Billy Bob. Never make a single mistake. Although I did get a good ass chew'n from the engineering officer for jeopardizing our chances of another gold hash mark on the stacks.

Then one time #2 switchboard catch fire. We had just tied up in some island port in the Caribbean. I were in anticipation for liberty call when it happen. Down the ladder I go....into the darkness of the aft engine room, hit'n switchs an' stuff....blinded by the smoke. Transfer all critical electrical load to #1 switchboard. By the time the fire was out, temps in the engine room had climbed to 140 degs, and all systems were go. Old Billy Bob was sop'n wet with sweat. That when I jump ship....take me a swim to cool off. "But Billy Bob....ya don't know how to swim". Almost drown flap'n round in that water like a cat fall in a mud hole.

Then I decides to transfer to another ship. Leave the easy life behind and check into the "Holiday USS Canberra".
Another story for a different time.

I'll leave you now to contemplate if this story is for real or fiction.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Lost memories....

Have ya ever sit down and wonder what happen to all them old memories of yesteryear? Your childhood, adolescence, teens, young adult, loves of your life, the waning years. Holy cows, everyone should be able to write a book. But what do ya do when ya start lose'n them memories? Are they lost forever in a clouded mind?

It weren't but a few short years ago when old Billy Bob had a clear unclouded mind, membered everything from early childhood up the present day activities and unactivities (I jist make up that word). But where have they gone now that I no longer have that clear and unclouded mind? "Well holy crap Billy Bob, did ya ever think bout writ'n them memories down on a piece of paper"?

About 10 year ago I started a book. It were bout the wonderful memories of my life....good times, bad times, experiences, adventures and misadventures. I wrote stuff down as I remembered them. I laughed and I cried. Then I started blogg'n, tell'n my stories for the whole world to see. It's not a well written autobiography, but it's my story. It's my life. It's true accounts, not fiction as some may believe. Although, I do doctor up some my stories to bring humor and a few laughs along the way, what by no means, does this take away from the truth of the original thought.

 USS Canberra CAG-2...Viet Nam bound
One of four US warships I served to secure our freedoms. (Oct. 1961 - April 1966)

Yesterday I come across a blog what really piss me off. Our Veterans were likened to and berated below septic tank cleaners....a total disgraceful respect to those that lost their lives, were maimed, lost limbs...fought for the freedoms we enjoy today. What goes through the mind of such a person? Hope to hell he reads this.

Friday, November 11, 2011

4 hours later....

Boy howdy let me tell ya, this computer is gonna bite the dust yet. Ya see, I were writ'n a post.....well let me go back a little further than that. Been lock'n up almost every morn'n what I just start the damn thing right back up. Now this morn'n before I even read half the blogs, it lock up tighter an' a drum. The when all is well again, I gets a blue screen. Then after that all fix, it start reboot'n all by it self....I swear I never touch nuttin. Then I tries to boot up in safe mode.....it boot in regular lock up mode again. Finally I were able to do a "restore". Pheeewww....now it work'n again. It go'n a hunnert mile a hour in second gear. Burn'n rubber an' stuff.

Now what the hell were I say'n bout a blog post? Oh yeah...had me a good'un all write up....that when everything  lock up. All that good funny stuff is gone.....poooof, just like that.  Not only from the computer, but from my mind. "Well shoot Billy Bob, ain't no sense try'n to post nuttin funny.....that computer stuff is funny enough to last a week".

Oh yeah, I member one thing what I had posted...or write about. My romp'n stomp'n 500 watt winder shak'n sound system. It ain't like I gonna pester my neighbors on purpose ...shake their winders an' stuff, or nuttin like that. But I do like to share. Was listen to Baconhoven, Bratch an' Mooseheart yesterday, turn up purty loud an' here come the neighbors.....sit on "da porch" stomp'n feet to the beat. Had us a regular ol' longhair hoedown. Then when I crank on the cajun, they was say'n...."turn it up".

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Winter blues

I get them winter blues every year as soon as the temps drop below 55 degs, what in some parts of the country 55 degs. is a spring day. But one more degree under 55 degs, water gonna freeze. I ain't gonna go outside and  sit on "da porch" sip'n a cup when it get this cold. You gonna find old Billy Bob sit' inside where it warm. I ain't stupit ya know.

Deming has felt the first winter freezes for the last few days. It's been get'n into the upper 20's come bout daylight. And I still have 3 weeks till departure. Or something like that. Gonna take a week to ten days to get my couch back.....and then, I got a yard full of stuff to pick up what I throwed off the roof from the solar panel installation. Table saw, chain saw, 2x4's, sledge hammers....stuff like that. Still have some storage bins to go through......dumpster bout another hunnert pound of junk. Neighbor just wait'n for me to hit the "tool shed" (compartment). He know I gonna be toss'n stuff.

Oh Boy Howdy....let me tell ya......got that 500 watt sound system all hook up. YES!!!! That what I'm talk'n bout. Shake some winders. In order to shake the winders on my neighbors house I got to crank it up full bore. At half throttle it shake my winders just fine....vibrate stuff. Now I got to go out and buy me some them "rap" cd's......lol, that's funny, Billy Bob listen to rap....right!