

Thursday, July 28, 2011

A lizard for a pet???

Remembering Lug Nut

Boy howdy, I were sit'n out there on "da porch" sip'n a cup and think'n, when here come my bestest lizard buddy friend what took up residence in the "Doghouse Bar an' Grill.
Now I ask...."how many flies can a lizard eat"? I takes out my trusty flyswapper, start awak'n, feed'n that lizard fly after fly. Big 'uns and little 'uns. Ok, here the tally.....3 big flies, 17 little flies and no less than 5 he caught his self. Strange thing though, I could swat a fly within one foots of that lizard and he never move....just sit there wait'n for more. After an hour, I got tired. Probably gonna have to take a nap now.

Ain't got much more to do for the road trip to Texas. Check the air in the tires, check fluids, fill water tank, etc. etc.....know what I mean??? Walmart list is almost complete for the better part of a day of shopp'n. Not many people like to go shopp'n with old Billy Bob. He look at "everything" from the garden section all the ways over there to the grocery section. Take bout 2 hour for a loaf of bread an' a gallon milk.
Since Walmart quit sell'n SolarShields sun glasses.....look out Kmart, here come Billy Bob.


  1. put that lizard in the bus. get your stuff from wals mart and ks mart and all the other marts in between. good luck and good speed.

  2. My wife will not go to Wal-Mart with me anymore because I have to look at and pickup everything I look at, like you, it takes us 2+ hours to get some simple item. She even went to the point one time of having the manager page for me over the loud speaker, and another time she asked the manager to call me on my cell phone because she can't find me. I tell her to look for me in Sporting Goods, Automotive, Grocery....So now I get to go by my self. Wheeeeeeee

  3. River, I am sooo proud of you...my kind a shopper. I always srart on the left side of the store no matter what I'm there for. Always something on the left side what has my name on it.
