

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Feel like a new $10 bill....

Boy howdy, "do'n nuttin" for a day sure did paid off. Not enough to go up to the golf course and be swak'n no golf balls though. Nope, not yet.

Yesterdays ride to the Island was a very enjoyable trip. Got what I wanted to get done and had a nice time. "that jeep" performed like a brand spank'n new Cadillac Sedan deVille....or something like that. Well, maybe not that fine a ride, but at least the dump truck ride has been eliminated. The slight vibration in the driveshaft is much better after the adjustment. Damn, it's almost like rid'n in a American car. But....when I replaced the great big "off road'n" 18 wheeler tires, I let the guy replace them with...Oh God, here we go.... hard rubber truck tires. So naturally, it rides like a freak'n truck.

Last nights little ride after dark to check the headlight alignment proved I need to readjust. Driver side light is shin'n in the ditch on the other side the road. Well, maybe not that bad, but it needs pointed a little to the right and up just a smiggin. When I turn on the hi beams, holy cows, the whole world lit up like it was day time. But I still couldn't see worth a crap. "Don't drive at night Billy Bob".

I rekon I'll go outside and replace that leak'n "o" ring on the dash air, blow them 2 cans of freon out and hook up the vacuum pump for a couple hour. Charge that sucker back up an' I be ready to go this summer. Ain't gonna be no sweat pour'n off'n the "Billy Bob" driv'n all over Texas in a hunnert degrees or so. 

Ok, here I go. Gonna go do something, even if'n it ain't right. Where my shoes Sadie Mae???
Details later......maybe.


  1. It will be interesting to see where you move too. Hope it is before I roll out. It seems to be a warm year this year. I don't want to be late heading out.

  2. Bet your kids learned a lot from you about "fixing cars and such". You are saving a lot of money doing it yourself.
