

Saturday, January 26, 2013

"bubba boat" launch

For those that desire to to read  "Billy'the kid'Bob" in it's entirety....just click the name.

Now on with the regular day by day adventures or not-adventures of Billy Bob's & Sadie Mae's blog. We are a team ya know. Damn dog goes everwheres with me, eats the same food I eat, sleeps in my bed....talks to me when I'm lonesome. Sadie Mae is a good dog.

Ain't no use report'n on the weather. It's beautiful an' that all that matters.

Me an' Sadie Mae loaded up "that jeep" an' headed for the lake. I was think'n fish, but she had no idea what we was gonna do. When I started unload'n stuff, I rekon she thought "he's gonna get in that damn "bubba boat" an' he ain't gonna never come back". She laid down in the front seat.

I took my time sort'n out all the required parts to put the "bubba boat" in work'n order...this goes here an' that goes there. "Where the hell is my blow up pump"???
All necessary gear loaded ready for launch......we go'n fish'n. 

I drags the "bubba boat" out in the water. Here come Sadie Mae...."I wanna go, please, can I go tooo....please". So's I load up the damn dog. All systems go. Turn on the little fish finder thingy and we look'n for fish. Well hell, there ain't none...."oh wait, there's one". By now we are a hunnert mile from shore. Sadie Mae look at me an' says....."where your life jacket"??? Oh damn, knowed I would forget something.

Look'n back....we out to sea. Just Sadie mae an' me.

We trolled around out there for a couple hour, chunk'n lures everwhere....drag'n some in the bottom. Ain't catched up nuttin...."OH WAIT....FISH ON, LOOK OUT, FISH ON". I were excitis. Never mind, he got off. One more little bite an' I says "we need to go deeper". So we head farther out to sea. Ten minutes later.....what the hell, we ain't mov'n nowheres. We dead in the water. Freak'n battery is deader than a fence post. "Row, row, roll your boat, gently down the stream".....holy crap Sadie Mae, we got a quarter mile to go. I paddles an' paddles for bout 20 minute an' we finally make it safely back to shore, right where I park "that jeep". I can drive a boat ya know.
Have ya ever see a 71 year old man paddle a boat??? It ain't a pretty sight. In fact, it's downright scary. I were plumb wored slap out. Sadie Mae lay there on my lap, just look'n at me...."are we there yet"??? Ain't never gonna take a dog fish'n no more. "Bigger boat Billy Bob, bigger boat".

Now I got to figger out how I'm gonna charge that fence post dead battery. But how comes the battery was dead? Well, I'm think'n that damn fish finder thingy eat up all the amps thingys. "Bigger battery Billy Bob, bigger battery".

Oh, did I mention the water level done come up some more? That rock is out there somewheres....right up close to the ol' dead tree stob.

And then when we got back to "da house", I says..."what's for dinner honey". Ok, how bouts some grilled ham steak an' some stuff. Ya see, when ya buy a ham steak, they got it all injected full of water. Don't ask me why 'cause I ain't got no idea. But ya gotta get that water out. An' the bestest place to do that is on the grill. That what I did. In the mean time, what goes good with ham steaks? Macaroni, maters an' green beans....all mix together. Yum boy howdy, we gonna be make'n this again. It were delicious. All season up just right with a handfull of coarse grinded pepper and salt to taste.


  1. Dang BB, you just went and done two of my favorite things, fish'n and eat'n.

    1. You don't wanna hear bout what I got to say bout your fish'n Dizzy. Did ya know that after ya turn 65, ya can get what they call a "old goats" fish'n license?
      Bout eat'n, you purty much let everbody know the kind of stuff you eat. If'n I were to eat that health food stuff like you do, I probly would never fish again. That stuff ain't really good for ya, ya know?

  2. Hey BB i see you got that Bubba boat going, wow, watch him catch all them fishes now.; hahaha Have a nice day BB.

    1. You betcha. Would go a hunnert mile a hour if'n that danged dog woulda stay home. The fish, I got to wait on them....still a bit too early.

  3. Hey BB how many lbs of thrust is that motor. That's a nice setup when I go out in the fishing yak it's a flat bottom type with a 40lb on the back and 670 amp battery. weights about 60lbs or so and fits right on top on my Jeep. Found it out in Minn one week-end I laid over in the big truck. Strapped it to the headache rack and had ever since.Still nice setup and must be light to carry.

    1. That's bout a hunnert horsepower motor what ya look'n at....something like 24# thrust. Fire it up with a little lawn tractor battery....bout 155 amp. "bubba boat" weigh in soak'n wet at 25 pound, when he's neeked. Roll it up in a neat little ball an' throw it in the back of "that jeep".

  4. I'm still laughing about your "What's for dinner, honey?" I take it she said, "Go grill your own ham and make the fixins yourself!"

  5. Dad gum it BB, you shore make me want a paddle craft again.

  6. See you are using paper plates, how come no plastic utensils to keep down on the dish washing?

    1. Now come Belinda we can wash a fork and knife every now and then...

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