

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Itty bitty Update....Fix'n broke stuff.....

Ok folks, this may be a long drawed out conversation this morn'n. I got lots of stuff on my mind.

Let's take for instance my back issues. Since I switxhed to Advil from 500mg aspirins, my back an' hip pain levels have dropped by bout 2 or 3 bulldozer points. I can live much better at 3 to 5 versus 7 to 8. I am still debat'n on if'n I'm gonna get some nerves killed or not. By doing so, I may be pain free (there ain't no such thing) for a short period of time (6 to 8 months accord'n to the doctor). But...after that time, I will be hurt'n like a sum-a-gun again an' end up in a ton of unwanted STRESS. Stress from set'n up a new appointment somewheres in Alaska or some place like that. Then the wait time to kill nerves again. Stress in one hand equals pain levels in the other hand. Soooo, as of today, there will be no nerve murder in my foreseeable future. But....there is a possibility, I may just change my mind.

Ok, Robert showed up to help with the auto brake system. OH NO....the brake shoes are burn slap up. But not to the rivets. The drum should be ok. Oh my god, melted plastic close to the drum...that sucker was hot.

Found a set of brake shoes just down the road a piece. Gonna go check 'em out. Be back laters.

Man boy howdy, that was a trip. Went to bout a hunnert auto parts sell'n places an' nobody know nuttin. UNTIL....we stop at Napa. Young boy waits on us. I tell Robert we got the wrong guy to help us...we need old people. The boy is lost....punch'n keys on the computer parts thingy, don't come up with nuttin. A old feller walks up...."that looks like a old school Chevy brake shoe". Measures the old part an' walla, there's a pic of my brake shoe on the screen. Will be here tomorrow to compare.

Now, back to pain level for just sec. Usually when I ride in a car, or a truck, my back goes haywire....hurt like hell. I'm sit'n on a nice 4 right now.

Robert is work'n on the "billy jeep". Try'n to find the cause of a little rumble com'n from the back end. To me, I can live with it. But Robert don't think like I do. Oh well.

Ok, that's it. Got company an' things to do. See ya laters.


  1. Better be careful taking too much aspirin, could mess up your stomach.

    1. After 30 years of aspirin, I think I'm do'n pretty good. Ibuprofen does the same thing. Advil is ibuprofen.

  2. As you know if it wasn't for Ibuprofen I would not be able to get around very well. But everyone has to experiment and find the NSAID that works for them. I am trying Naproxen now to see if it does better than Ibuprofen for me. Good luck on your choice.

  3. I took aspirin for years for the assorted aches and pains, just 2 months back I tried Ibuprofen and was pleased with the results.

  4. google is your best friend google ( a list of usa stores that gives ex-military discounts ) all the auto parts stores do give 10% discounts ,you just need to remember to ask and show your card ,and all your sons and daughters can get one from your service and they will be sey for the rest of there lifes also with discounts. thank-you for your service .

    1. I don't do discounts Louie. It would take me a year to fill out a hunnert forms just to save 50 cents on a spark plug. Now to get a senior citizen discount on a fine meal at some eat'em up, I'll go for that. Yeee haww, I just saved .37 cents.

    2. As my grandmother told me 69 years ago "pennies add up to dollars". Her advice was never forgotten. I just took two years worth of change to the bank, trading them in for three nice $20. I've never been completely broke, even if I was down to a thin dime once. Hardship is a good and tough teacher. Everyone sees things differently though. Too sad that those in Washington and the other Biggies weren't taught as I was; the world wouldn't be such a lopsided situation as it is: those with and those without.

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