

Friday, August 29, 2014

Where the hell is my internet????

Hmmmmm, I got internet problems. Yes I paid Verizon for what is supposed to be super fast service. Ha, yesterday it was like "dial BR-549 an' wait for operator". Then on top of that, blogger was giv'n me hell. Yahoo just sit there do'n nuttin. My mail said, "try again later". Weren't much I could do.

Speak'n of "weren't much I could do", yesterday I did nuttin. It weren't that I couldn't do nuttin, it was I just didn't WANT to do nuttin. Ate me up my last bowl of Billy Bob beef stew soup an' lay don't on the couch. Lay'n on the couch was just a "test" ya know.....see if'n it relax's me. Boy howdy did it ever. I waked up 3 hour later.

While my internet was down, I got to think'n....is the end of the world com'n? My god, what would we do if'n the internet shut down for good? An' then, there's that dad gum TV I watch every night. There ain't a damn thing on there worth a flip. I flips the channels. Well crap, I done seen that a couple days ago.

Did I break 80????.....LOLOLOL hahahaha, you got to be kidding Barney. The way I see it, it's gonna be a while before I ever see the 80's again. If'n I ever do. The course we played the other day, I played from the "old farts" tees, 5370 yards. Only had me 2 pars an' enough double bogies for 2 rounds.
Ha, speak'n of double bogies....we was on a par 4. I hit a excellent driver right down the middle. My next shot I could reach the green. With my trusty 5 wood I rared back an' swak that ball....right at the green. Up there close to the green was one them sprinkler thingys. My ball hit that sucker an' takes off to the left. Right into the sand trap. It was wet in there, an' in Georgia, sand traps have 50/50 mix of red Georgia clay an' river sand. Four strokes later I'm still in the sand trap....cuss'n. You git the picture, right?

Now, bout that Lipitor. Back in 07....that's when I was *this* close to a stroke, a doctor put me on Lipitor to lower my cholesterol. I was up in the 250 range. It did an' I had no side effects.

Bout that "*this* close" to a stroke". Most of ya already know all bout it but there are some that don't. Ya see, it was get'n on to winter time in Deming, Nm. an' I had just buy a old golf cart. It was cold when we met up at the golf course (upper 30's). The golf cart needed a cover. Well shoot, I can build one of them things.

With a old $15 sew machine, a bunch of thread an' yards of heavy canvas look'n stuff I proceeded to sew. My god, I got to go to Walmart an' buy me up some more needles....bout a dozen of 'em. My blood pressure began to rise....cuss'n word flowed from my lips. Poor ol' Lug Nut an' Sadie Mae hit the door any time I would sit down to that sew machine. By the time I finished the cover for MY golf'n cart, "pesky neighbor" Wayne wanted one for his. By the time I finally reached a doctor what would see me "right now", my blood pressure had reached 210/110. An' that was sit'n on my ass do'n nuttin.

Speak'n of blood pressures...and weight. My appointment Wednesday, the nice little girl weighed me an' took my blood pressure. 142 pounds....I lost 5 or 6 since I last seen Dr. Frokersteen last year.  Now ya got to remember, I put myself on a diet bout 6 months or so ago. 145/70 on the blood pressure. Then on Thursday, this really cute little girl (bout 5 foots 8) weighs me in at 137 pounds an' 177/70 blood pressure. I don't care none bout the blood pressure, that's called "white coat syndrome", but there ain't no way a person can lose 5 pounds over night. The first scale was a mechanical scale an' the other was a digital scale. Figger that one out.

Boy howdy did I enjoy the link sent me in the comments. I spended a good hour read'n bout them electric bicycles. But that led me to read'n other "travel" blogs. It was 3:45am when I turn the computer off last night. Yes, the internet was up an' run'n full bore.

I'm kind of run'n round in circles with our little talk this morn'n. It's 'cause I don't want to touch too much on what my mind is think'n. It does this stuff every morn'n. An' then by bed time, it's off in another direction on the finer things in life..

Since aspirin was brung up, I'll put my two cents in. Back in 1980 when I was in the VA hospital (back injury), they had me on super heavy duty pain pills. But I found the only thing that killed the pain was aspirin. 5000 plus mg's a day on a good day an' right at 10,000 on a bad day. An' no stomach problems. With the 1500mg's I take now, I have no problems....that I know of. My back surgeon will put me on pain pills what will take me off aspirin, but I'll still take the one itty bitty 81mg every day.

A hour or so later.....
Now that was a nice visit. Yo Mama come down from the house an' we sit here sip'n up a cup an' talk'n bout all kind of stuff. Mainly our aches an' pains. Her foot surgery is not heal'n as expected. An' she has knee surgery in January. Poor girl.

Today....I'm gonna git off'n my ass an' do something. Hmmmmm......"finish the bedroom Billy Bob". God I don't want to go back there. But somebody got to do it.



  1. I asked if you broke 90. Of course that was for only 9 holes you know.

    1. An' you know me well enough Barney that I would never in my lifetime play a round of 9 holes.
      Ha....52 front nine an' 48 back nine.

  2. I often wonder what life would be like without the internet, tv, and such. Us older folks might not like it at first, but we'd settle back into what life was like when we were younger and didn't have all the technology. The younger folks would have a rough time because that's all they know.

    1. My god Gypsy, kids now days would never make it through the first day. I mean, when parents buy their 6 year old kids a $500 piece of technology, something is wrong.
      Ha, I got me two grandkids that play outside....out of bout 21 or 23 of 'em. An' don't ask me to name all of 'em.

  3. They say you lost 5 pounds over night?? Dang, you must have taken a huge crap. . .

    1. I'll just ignore this comment.....sheesh Dizzy!!!

  4. 3 hours napping on the couch! Sounds like you finally got the "Baby Bear" combination just right.

  5. Boy they sure gave you a lot of aspirin back in the day.

    Have been wondering how your campground host was doing after her foot surgery...sorry to hear it has not healed well.

  6. What would we do now with out the internet, we are so attached to it now.

  7. Wednesday, the nice little girl weighed me - 145/70 blood pressure.

    Thursday, this really cute little girl (bout 5 foots 8) weighs me - 177/70 blood pressure.

    Notice how you describe the two girls "nice little girl" and "really cute little girl". Blood pressure goes up with really cute; no surprise there, your a man and not dead yet!

  8. Take it from someone who knows - you CAN actually *lose* 5 lbs in a day and it doesn't have anything to do with what type of scale they used. There are many factors, but the most important is what time of day you were weighed and how much water you had retained. You may not feel like you are retaining it, especially at such a low weight - but trust me on this. If you are weighed in the morning, you are going to weigh less, especially if you haven't eaten anything or sipped a whole lot.
    I am distressed to read that you aren't doing so well. And your weight is alarming, but maybe not so? I don't know how tall you are. :) My first husband would be fine at 142 lbs, but my second husband? At 6'3 and 142 lbs? He would be a goner. :/

    Take care and I hope you are feeling better soon.
